Books Since 2014-07-09

O My Child! You've Become an Adult


Account yourselves before you are taken to account

Benefits from take themselves into account before they are taken into account. ... more

The ideal way to send blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)

I am one of those who send blessings upon the Prophet between 50 and 100 times a day, according to circumstances. I say: “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad (O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad).” There are some people who tell me that my sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah is lacking. Can you tell us – may Allah reward you with good – what is the ideal way to send blessings upon the master of mankind, and is the way I am doing it really lacking?

Praise be to Allah.Sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is one of the greatest acts of worship encouraged in Islam, and it is one of the most beneficial supplications for a person in this world and the hereafter, and it is one of the requirements of loving, ... Continue Reading

Why Niqab

I feel comfortable knowing.. That men don’t stare at me ... more
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Purpose of Creation

What was the purpose of creation? Why are we here? Mufti Menk answers this all important question during his inspirational lecture

Duration: 1:01:44

7 Daily Spiritual Productive Habits to Develop

7 Daily Spiritual Productive Habits to Develop

Abu Productive

You should aim to develop the following 7 Spiritually Productive activities into habits so that you can hopefully continue benefitting from them throughout your life. I consider these activities as the spiritual ‘bread and butter’ of ...

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Easy Actions For Which Rewards Are Multiplied

Easy Actions For Which Rewards Are Multiplied

Sulymaan ibn Saalih Al Kharaashi

How great will be the regret of those who waste the opportunity!

1. Preserving the ties of kinship:  «Whoever wishes that his provision be increased and his age lengthened, let him maintain the ties of kinship» (Al ...

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Advice to the Muslims in the West

What advice can you give to the Muslims in the west in the current situation in which the Muslim ummah finds itself? How can we fulfil our Islamic duties and please Allaah?.

Praise be to Allaah.1- Our advice to our Muslim brothers who are living in the west – now – is the same as the advice that Allaah gave to the first and the last, which is to fear Allaah and to do that which is enjoined by Allaah and His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon ... Continue Reading

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