Islam Q&A
Virtues of the Day of Arafaah
What are the Virtues of the Day of Arafaah?
How to serve Islam
I want to serve my Religion, what should I do?
Is Purity essential for reading Qur’aan from one’s mobile phone?
Some mobile phones have a Quraan programs which enable one to read the Quraan anytime on the mobile’s screen. Is Taharah (Purity) a condition before one starts reciting?.
Reading Qur’aan from the computer
Is it valid to read Qur’aan from the computer instead of from the Mushaf ?
In other words, reading from websites on the Internet or from text files that contain the entire Qur’aan, which is displayed on the computer screen. I work in a company and during my breaks I read Qur’aan on the computer.
Is it necessary to have wudoo’ for this kind of reading, as is the case when reading from the Mushaf?.
The Rate of Zakaat al-Fitr
What is the rate of Zakaat al-Fitr? Is it permissible to give it after the Eid Prayer? Is it permissible to give Zakaat al-Fitr in cash?
Is it permissible to wear another piece of cloth inside the ihram that is not tailored to fit the body?
I bought the ihram garments, and the set came with three pieces, two pieces like towels, one for the upper part of the body and the other for the lower part. As for the third piece, it is to be used as a kind of underwear on the lower part. The three pieces are not stitched, but they have two metal snap fasteners for securing the garments.
Does the fact that it has two metal snap fasteners to secure it make these garments unacceptable according to sharee‘ah? I heard that it is not permissible to wear the third piece that is described above – is that correct?
A menstruating woman entered ihram for ‘umrah and did sa‘i, then she did tawaaf after she purified herself
When I went to do ‘umrah, I was menstruating, so I did sa‘i and cut my hair, and I exited ihram and put on niqab. I waited until I became pure, then I did tawaaf at the Ka‘bah. I did this based on the ruling on Hajj, which says that the menstruating woman should do everything except tawaaf. Please note that I am not married. What is your opinion, may Allah bless you?
Does diarrhoea make it permissible for the fasting person to break his fast?
Does diarrhoea make it permissible for the fasting person to break his fast?
Is it permissible to pray in a mosque where the ground floor is controlled by the Shi‘ah and the Sunnis control the upper floor?
Is it permissible to pray in a mosque where the ground floor is controlled by the Shi‘ah and the Sunnis control the upper floor?
He masturbated during the day in Ramadan in order to provide a sample of semen for testing in the case of infertility; what are the consequences of that action?
He masturbated during the day in Ramadan in order to provide a sample of semen for testing in the case of infertility; what are the consequences of that action?
Will the seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on the Day of Resurrection be brought to account?
Is that the seven types of people who will be shaded by Allah will they also go paradise without account?
There is nothing wrong with gathering to recite the Holy Qur'an
My friends and I get together one night a week to recite a few verses of the Book of Allah, so as to learn how to recite the Qur'an, then after that we talk about various things. But we heard that it is not permissible to gather to recite Qur'an and that is only permissible for the purpose of memorization. Is this true?