Ismail Musa Menk (Mufti Menk)

Ismail Musa Menk (Mufti Menk) 

Views: 15,890

It Will be Taken Away!!!

Seize five opportunities in your life before they are taken away!

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Powerful Reminder to Stay Home Stay Safe

A Short Reminder about what Muslims should do in the current situation of COVID 19 outbreak

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Not Satisfied with Life

The more a nation turns away from being concerned about Halal and Haram, the deeper they fall into the cluthches of Satan in other matters.

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Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He was tutored by his father who is a well known scholar and Da’ee.

He completed his hifz and recitation courses at an early age and learnt the Arabic and Urdu languages whilst studying Shariah under his father. At the same time he attended ...

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