Tag: Muslims

Core Religious Practice of Islam: The Five Pillars of Islam
Duration: 20:00Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

Belief in the Books
Duration: 33:16
Islam & the West
Duration: 1:24:36
Islam vs Modern Society ? In Dawah
Duration: 1:15:52Various Scholars

Why do Muslims perform Hajj?
Duration: 6:19Various Scholars
The example of Muslims, Jews, and Christians
Yusuf Estes

Story of Yusuf Estes - From darkness to light
From darkness to light: the program presents in each episode the story of transformation and transition from darkness to light, from disbelief to ...
Duration: 37:49Ahmad Musa Jibril
Common Mistakes During Ramadaan
Da’wah – calling others to Islam
How should we call people to Islam?
How can we prove to non-Muslims that Islam is a tolerant and easy religion?
How can we prove to non-Muslims that Islam is a tolerant and easy religion?
The Merits of Islam
There are many religions.
Why do Muslims think that Islam is true. Is there any factual basis?
Islam Erases the Sins that Came Before it
A brother of ours has recently become Muslim. During his days of Jaahiliyyah (ignorance – i.e., before he became Muslim), he earned a lot of money by dealing in drugs. He brought this money with him and opened a big bookstore and got married using this money. Recently he has been told that it is not permissible for him to give this money in charity, because Allaah is Good and only accepts that which is good, Our question is, what should he do with this money, and how sound is what he has been told?.