Category: Touching Stories
Various Scholars
Since 2015-11-23
The masjid was full with whom she invited to Islam
"Today I heard about the death of a very dear person to me (my beloved teacher).
She looked after me when I first came to this country, I was 14 years old and she was 50 years old.
She used to take me with her to her weekly classes then drop me off home... ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2015-05-08

Race To Jannah
Duration: 3:07Various Scholars
Since 2015-03-23
The Muslim is in the shadow of his charity
Indeed, Muslims are in the shadow of their charities... ... more
Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her)
An example for those who believe; the righteous woman; the wife of Pharaoh; she is Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her). ... more
Ismail Musa Menk (Mufti Menk)
Since 2014-08-14
Omar Suleiman
Since 2014-07-11
Since 2014-07-08
Since 2014-07-04
Since 2014-05-01

Last Person To Enter Paradise - Emotional
Duration: 7:04Various Scholars
Since 2014-04-29
Stories of New Muslim
Some touching stories of newly-converted brothers and sisters. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2014-04-29
Dealing with Worries and Stress
It is the nature of this life that people will suffer from worries and stress, because this world is the place of disease, hardship and suffering. Hence among the things that distinguish Paradise from this world is the fact that there is no worry or stress there. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2014-04-29
Noble Women Around the Messenger
The role that women contributed at the beginning of Islamic history has often been overlooked or neglected, and as a result recorded data has been disproportionately unavailable, even though Islamic history is full of stories and accounts of women and the significant role that they played in Islam. This book attempts to fill a gap by enlightening the reader a step further on the lives of these women as prodigies at the time of the Prophet. ... more