The masjid was full with whom she invited to Islam

Since 2015-11-23

"Today I heard about the death of a very dear person to me (my beloved teacher). She looked after me when I first came to this country, I was 14 years old and she was 50 years old. She used to take me with her to her weekly classes then drop me off home...

A friend of mine spoke to me with tearful eyes and said:
"Today I heard about the death of a very dear person to me (my beloved teacher).
She looked after me when I first came to this country, I was 14 years old and she was 50 years old.
She used to take me with her to her weekly classes then drop me off home.
She used to take me with her to visit sick people at the hospital.
She used to take me with her to the school where she gave a speech about Islam.
She used to take me with her while preparing for her classes and caring for refugees.
Then …
I moved away to another town and I lost contact with her.
Recently, I had a feeling that she was sick in hospital and I decided to visit her and introduce my daughters to her but I got sick as well and I couldn't go.
Today, a sister called to tell me that my beloved friend has passed away after being sick in hospital for a while. I was shocked to find out that my feelings were true.
I still remember her beautiful smile, and today I heard she had the biggest smile ever while they were washing her.
In her Janazah prayer, the masjid was full with whom she invited to Islam, and those whom life and affairs kept them apart have once more come together.
All of these people along with the Imam of the masjid bore witness that she was always foremost in doing good and inviting people to Islam.
I also found out that she used to have a set place in the yearly Town show where she invited people to Islam and gave out pamphlets about Islam.
She knew why she was created, and she worked hard for it."
My friend became really emotional while she was speaking, so I tried not to interrupt her so she may let out her sorrow and sadness, and also hoping to find out more about this beautiful person.
After a while my friend left but her words kept echoing in my head especially the sentence "The masjid was full with whom she invited to Islam"
I stopped for so long at this sentence repeating it over and over and reflecting on it
"The masjid was full with whom she invited to Islam"
All of these people will bear witness on the day of Judgement that she knew why she was created, and she worked hard for it.
Glory is to Allah, time passes by and we are still on the road with no significant accomplishment.
We have not invited anyone to Islam …
We have not helped anyone correct their Aqeeda …
We have done nothing to plant faith in the empty and lost hearts …
We did not strive enough to raise a generation of men and women like the prophet's companion.
We did not …
And before we know it, Time will be over and we will not have more chances to any do good deeds.
At that moment, regret will not save us.
So isn't it time to review our past actions and reconsider our future plans before a day will come where we will say:

{وَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِيَ كِتَابَهُ بِشِمَالِهِ فَيَقُولُ يَا لَيْتَنِي لَمْ أُوتَ كِتَابِيَهْ}
"Translation":{Oh, I wish I had not been given my record} [Al Haqah :25]

{يَقُولُ يَا لَيْتَنِي قَدَّمْتُ لِحَيَاتِي}

"Translation": {Oh, I wish I had sent ahead [some good] for my life} [Al Fajr : 24]

Umm AbdulrahmanBint Mustafa Bekhit
14 October 2015

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