Islam Q&A
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Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her)
An example for those who believe; the righteous woman; the wife of Pharaoh; she is Aasiyah (may Allah be pleased with her). ... more
The Reason Why Mankind Was Created
This article clarifies the wisdom of Allah to create mankind. ... more
Attitude towards fitnah
We must all be gentle in our thinking and attitudes, and with regard to all events that occur, and we should not be hasty. ... more
Advice to the Muslims in the West
strive to obey and worship Allaah, and take good care of your sons and daughters. ... more
Menstruating woman and Laylat al-Qadr
What can a woman who is menstruating do on Laylat al-Qadr? ... more
How can we prepare for the arrival of Ramadan?
How can we prepare for Ramadan? What are the best deeds in this blessed month? ... more
Making use of cooking time in Ramadan
I want to know some words I can repeat during my daily duties such as when I am cooking or doing housework, because I do not want to miss out on the reward. ... more
The reason for the prohibition on pork
A Christian is asking about the reason for the prohibition on pork ... more
His mother will be angry if he does not celebrate Mother's Day
Celebrating Mother;s Day is an innovated matter which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his companions (may Allaah be pleased with them) did not do. ... more
The prohibition on fasting in the second half of Sha'baan
Q: Is it permissible to fast after halfway through Sha’baan? Because I heard that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade fasting after halfway through Sha’baan.
A: Praise be to Allaah.
Abu Dawood (3237), al-Tirmidhi (738) and Ibn Naajah (1651) narrated ...
Attending the funeral of a non-Muslim relative
Attending the funeral of a non-Muslim relative in the church
I am a new muslim and my parents and relatives are muslim. One of my relative has dies recently and i was very close to her. I like to know if i can attend her funeral in church? I won’t say any words during prayer ...
Continue ReadingWhat does self-confidence mean for the Muslim?
How can a Muslim who is really lacking self-confidence become a more confident person? He has tried so many things but has yet to overcome his nervousness when talking to people. May Allah reward you with good for your effort. ... more