Ten Ahadeeth will lead you with the Grace of Allah the Almighty to al-Firdaws al-A‘la

A great collection of Ahadeeth that makes every Muslim gain more rewards and sustains all Muslims to be closer to Allah the Almighty. ... more

Fortification of the Muslim through rememberance and supplication from the Quran and Sunnah-Sa'eed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtaani

One of the most beautiful references for every Muslim to recognize Dhikr and Supplications in the Holy Quran and Sunnah. The author of this book is Sa'eed bin Ali bin Wahf Al-Qahtaani. ... more

Making use of cooking time in Ramadan

I want to know some words I can repeat during my daily duties such as when I am cooking or doing housework, because I do not want to miss out on the reward. ... more

Some General Guidelines for Performing Dhikr


The Salaf and commentators differed about what this verse refers to, some saying that it refers to the prayers, others that it refers to supplication and others that it refers to dhikr in general. However they all agreed....
1. Performing dhikr is an action of worship, as such it is ...
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The polish for the heart is the dhikr of Allaah

Abu Dardaa radiallaahu 'anhu said: For everything there is a polish and the polish for the heart is the dhikr of Allaah. ... more

Causes that Result in Allaah's Love

Ten causes that Result in Allaah's Love For His Slave and the Slave's Love for his Lord ... more

Morning and Evening Supplication

Morning and evening Supplication ... more

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