Tag: hell
Various Scholars
Three People that the Hell Fire wont Touch-Sajed Ahmed Umar
This short reminder focuses on three people that the Hell-Fire will not touch, due to their performing the specific actions mentioned in this reminder, extracted from the Ahadeeth.

Being reckless with regard to zina on the grounds that the Muslim who commits sin will never stay in Hell for eternity
What is your response to the one who says that so long as the Muslim has an atom’s weight of faith in his heart, he will enter Paradise even if he commits zina during his lifetime?
What do you say to the wife who betrays her husband by committing the immoral act of zina for the sake of sexual pleasure?.
Various Scholars
A Moment in Hell
Various Scholars
A Party in Paradise and a Party in Hell
Various Scholars
Unbelievers and their fate in the afterlife
Are Christian and Jewish lay people the same as their clergy and religious scholars? Are they also unbelievers, even though they are People of the Book and do not have the knowledge that their religious leaders have? Are they condemned to Hell for their not believing in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?