Why Muslims Believe that Islam is the truth

Many Christians & Jews don't know that Muslims believe in their prophets and holy books. Muslims believe that the Bible and the Torah were changed by people for their personal benefits. This is why God sent Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, not with a new religion, but to correct the people ...

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#3 The Sunnahs of Adhan

Adhan is a great form of worship that isn’t just related to the Muaddin (the one who calls for Adhan), but there are five things that every Muslim can do once he hears the Adhan:

  • First: Repeating after the Adhan. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said: «Whenever you hear the Adhan, say what the ...
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(2) Tawheed

The first and most important treasure which is vital for all your good deeds to be accepted and to be labeled a 'Muslim', is Tawheed (Oneness of Allah The Almighty). Tawheed is the mother of all obligations, basically you will not harvest your good deeds without having this belief. ... more
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"I Love you for the sake of Allah"

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) relates that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: 

«Allah will ask on the Day of Judgment: “Where are those who loved each other for the sake of My glory? Today, on a day when there is no shade but Mine, I shall shade them with My ...

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Learn From Allah's Patience

«None is more patient in the face of offense than God. People say He has a son, but He continues to protect them and provide for them» (Bukhari). ... more

Madaya: people are starving to death

The town of Madaya is surrounded by landmines planted by the Syrian regime, the thing that makes it difficult for people to search for food in the surrounding areas. ... more

Style over Substance: How cool is that?

People who set out on the straight and narrow, choosing substance over style, seeking to please Allaah as opposed to pleasing people, may not find their popularity ratings soar—quite the opposite, in fact. Yet, they get strength in the certainty of their belief, that their reward is with Allaah in the Hereafter. ... more

The masjid was full with whom she invited to Islam

"Today I heard about the death of a very dear person to me (my beloved teacher). She looked after me when I first came to this country, I was 14 years old and she was 50 years old. She used to take me with her to her weekly classes then drop me off home... ... more

The influence of the Islamic Study vs the Quran on us

Studying Quran and reflecting on it is associated with the remembrance of Allah, so the more you read the Quran, and reflect on it, the more you remember Allah by his words, the more you get closer to him, and the more it influences you deep in your heart... ... more

The Most Frequent Dua'a in Noble Sunna

Praise is due to Allah the Almighty, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family, his Companions and whosoever follows him. Dua'a is a great act of worship in Islam and Allah the Almighty ordered us to make Dua’a in the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty ...

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The Ansar and US

Their sacrifices were immense and their faith stunning. The name of Ansaar never fails to evoke undertones of sacrifice, submission, and love of Allaah The Most High and His Messenger... ... more

Our Children After Ramadan

The month of the Quran and competition in good deeds has passed, but you must nevertheless teach your children that Ramadan is not the only month of worship that comes and leaves with its worship. No, rather, Ramadan is the month of change... ... more
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20 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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