Introduction to Zakaah 1/2

The fact that Zakaah is an obligation upon the Muslims is one of the most apparent indications of the beauty of Islam and the concern it has for its adherents. ... more

Does being in debt mean that zakaah is no longer due? Can he delay zakaah because he has no cash available?

In our country we have been affected by war and we were expelled from our land 23 years ago. Praise be to Allah, my father and I are settled now and we have a business. We borrowed money in order to settle and start a business, the value of which was 1 million. When we worked out the value of zakaah that we owe on the property and trade goods that we have in our possession, it was estimated to be 7 million, and the trade goods on which zakaah is due are worth 5 or 6 million. 
My questions are: 
1. Are we required to pay zakaah, as we have not paid it all these years because we were not able to pay off the debt of 1 million? Was it correct for us not to pay zakaah?
2. We do not have any cash now, if we are required to pay zakaah. We helped a brother of ours to pay off a debt he owed, so that he could pay off the borrowed amount without paying the interest that had been agreed upon. Is it possible for us to waive this debt and thus pay off the zakaah that we owe?
3. We own some property in the country where the war was, that we took possession of after the war ended, and we are planning to sell this property in order to pay off debts and so that we can buy a house in the place where we live now. Is this property subject to zakaah?.

Praise be to Allah. Firstly:  Zakaah is due on trade goods according to the correct scholarly opinion. Whatever has been prepared for trade is subject to zakaah if it reaches the nisaab or minimum threshold and one hijri year has passed since the capital was ... Continue Reading

Eid and Zakat ul-Fitr

- Playing, recreation, and eating on the day of eid:

These are permissible as long as they stay within the acceptable bounds of Islam. anas said: «when the prophet peace be upon him came to madinah, they had two days for amusement. the prophet peace be upon him has ...
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The Third Pillar of Islam: Compulsory Charity

An introduction to the third pillar of Islam, the compulsory charity or zakat, the spiritual dimensions of zakat and charity, and how Islam views money in general. ... more

Basic Boo-Boo's some make when Paying Zakat Al-Fitr


I feel compelled to put this together because I’ve seen the following boo-boos happen for years. In sha Allah, you can help me spread the word by sharing this article with your community, friends and family.

What is Zakat ul-Fitr? Think “Iftar”, Zakat Ul-Fitr is the charity that ...

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Sadaqah or Charity

1- A great act of worship that is so dear to Allah (Subhanhu Wa Ta'ala), it opens for us the treasures of the heavens and the earth, and it is one of the beautiful secrets of our religion.

2- It occupies a very high position in Islam, part of it is obligatory which is Zakah, and in ...
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Zakat Al-Fitr

Sadaqah al-Fitr is a duty which is Wajib on every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult as long as he/she has the means to do so... ... more