Rulings Related to the Month of Rajab (1)

There are many rulings related to the month of Rajab. Some of them existed in the pre-Islamic era and scholars differed regarding their continuation after Islam such as the prohibition of killing and slaughtering certain sacrifices. ... more

The example of Muslims, Jews, and Christians

This Hadith is setting an example for the people to whom Moses was sent to abide by the commands and prohibitions for the rest of their lives until Allah sent Jesus, peace be upon him, who commanded them to follow him but they refused and denied the legislation with which he came. ... more

Story of the Companions of the Cave

Muslim individual should resort to Allaah The Almighty alone with Du‘aa' particularly when afflictions befall. ... more

The example of the believers in their sympathy and affection

Glorification of Muslims' rights toward one another and exhorting them to kindness, affection, and support in things which are not sinful or reprehensible. ... more

Quran: The Way to Salvation

The Book of Allah is the rain that brings forth true life on Earth. ... more

The example of minor sins

The meaning of the Hadith is exhortation not to underestimate sins, and holding oneself accountable for them because neglecting them will lead to destruction because minor sins may turn to be major ... more

The Muslim is in the shadow of his charity

Indeed, Muslims are in the shadow of their charities... ... more

The example of those who go early to Friday Salah

The Hadith exhorts people to go early to Salah because it draws a person to his Lord, may He be Glorified and Exalted. ... more

Love Your Brother for the Sake of Allah

In Islam, true friendships are bound by brotherhood and sisterhood bonds that are stronger than typical friendships. ... more

The Islamic View of Jesus

The Birth of JesusAllah, Exalted be He, is far and Above Having a ChildJesus was Aided by Clear SignsThe Descent of Jesus before the End of the WorldJesus: His Attributes and Virtues ... more