Rulings Related to the Month of Rajab (1)

Since 2015-04-16

There are many rulings related to the month of Rajab. Some of them existed in the pre-Islamic era and scholars differed regarding their continuation after Islam such as the prohibition of killing and slaughtering certain sacrifices.

There are many rulings related to the month of Rajab. Some of them existed in the pre-Islamic era and scholars differed regarding their continuation after Islam such as the prohibition of killing and slaughtering certain sacrifices. Some others first appeared along with the advent of Islam such as performing certain prayer, fasting, ‘Umrah and the like.


In the following lines, we will touch upon this topic in detail:


1- We have previously stated the disagreement of the scholars regarding the ruling of killing during the sacred months and whether its prohibition is still valid or abrogated in the previous episode.


2- As for sacrifices, one of the practices during the month of Rajab which was done during the pre-Islamic period, is to offer sacrifices and call it Al-‘Ateerah. Muslim scholars held different opinions regarding their ruling in Islam. Most of them view that Islam voided this practice. Also, It was narrated on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may Allaah be pleased with him, that the Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him,  said: «There is no Fara‘ and no ‘Ateerah» (Reported by Al-Bukhaari (5473 and 5474) and Muslim).


Some of them such as Ibn Sireen said, it is recommended. This is also reported by Imam Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy upon him, from the people of Al-Basrah.

There are several Hadeeths reported in this regard in the Sunan and Imam An-Nasaa‘i, may Allaah have mercy upon him, collected them in his Sunan and singled out a book for them under the title of Al-Fara‘ and Al-‘Ateerah and then made a chapter for explaining the first and another for the latter in his Sunan 7/167 – 171.


Those who view its permissibility substantiated their opinion with such Hadeeths. They reconciled between such Hadeeths and the Hadeeth: «There is no Fara‘ and no ‘Ateerah» with that the prohibited is what the people during the pre-Islamic era used to do of slaughtering for others than Allaah The Almighty. Sufyaan ibn ‘Unaynah viewed that what is meant is negating obligation. Some other scholars said that the Hadeeth of Abu Hurairah, may Allaah be pleased with him, is more authentic than such Hadeeths and thus it is to be acted upon away from other Hadeeths and this is the approach adopted by Imam Ahmad, may Allaah have mercy upon him.


The ruling of offering sacrifices in the month of Rajab applies to the idea of regarding it a season and festival such as eating sweet in it and the like. It was reported from Ibn ‘Abbaas, may Allaah be pleased with them, that he used to dislike to deem the month of Rajab festival.

The origin of this is that Muslims are not to regard any day festival except what is prescribed by the Islamic Sharee‘ah (i.e. divine revealed laws) as a festival such as the Day of Al-Fitr (i.e. fast-breaking), Al-Adha (i.e. sacrifice), three days of At-Tashreeq; such are the festivals of the year, and Friday which is the festival of the week. Accordingly, regarding any day festival other than them is Bid‘ah (i.e. innovation) that has no basis in Islam.


3- Amongst the other rulings of Rajab are the prayer, fasting and ‘Umrah reported in it.

There is no authentic Hadith regarding a special prayer during the month of Rajab, and all the narrations concerning Ar-Raghaa’ib prayer that people used to do at the first night of Friday during the month of Rajab are fabricated lies and according to the majority of the scholars, this prayer is an innovation. Amongst the great scholars who stated this are Al-Haafith Abu Ismaa‘eel Al-Ansaari, Abu Bakr ibn As-Samm‘aani, Abu Al-Fadhl ibn Naasir, Abu Al-Farj ibn Al-Jawzi, Abu Al-Farj ibn Rajab and others.

However, earlier scholars did not mention it because it was innovated after the fourth century and was never known before that, and no one from the scholars during the first virtuous generations ever mentioned it.

(To be continued)

Source: Allsunnah Net
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