Never Give Up – Don’t Let Satan Win

If you look in hindsight to every struggle we have ever faced, you can usually say that you overcame all of them. The only time we face a hardship that is not overcome is typically when we fail to do something about it, fail to remain positive and hopeful. ... more

The Complete Muslim Personality

Our health is a blessing and responsibility from God and the level at which we take care of it affects all areas of our lives ... more

A Moment in Hell

Imagine for a moment not being able to ‘see’ the Creator of all Beauty. Imagine being from among those that have lost the right to speak to Him (swt) ... more

A Human Being Before a Prophet

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has been and will always be a human being from whom Muslims learn how to love and deal with one another, and form healthy relationships in today's global village. He left his personal impact on people as a human being before God entrusted him with His message. ... more

Tools of a Winner!

Du`aa'(supplication) is a blessing from Allah, a tool to achieve our goals in this life and the hereafter. Allah loves it when we ask Him for anything. He is expecting us to ask Him for our needs. ... more

Traps of Satan for New Muslims!

Some new converts fall into the traps of Satan and end up getting weak or leaving the religion for one reason or another. Let us take a look together. ... more

All That Glitters Is Not Gold

Some people believe that happiness could only be found in the attainment of wealth. ... more