Sayyid Fu’âd ibn Sayyid Abdul-Rahmân Ar-Rifâ’i

Sayyid Fu’âd ibn Sayyid Abdul-Rahmân Ar-Rifâ’i 

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Why we should boycott America

boycotting is a peaceful lethal weapon. It is used against the abusers of our Prophet, Muhammad, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him. ... more

Ar-Rifâ'i was again summoned for investigation

Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini: the loyalty of a Muslim is for his religion, first and foremost.


Ar-Rifâ'i was again summoned for investigation in the public prosecutor's office.


After finishing the investigation, Sheikh Sayyid Fu'âd ibn Sayyid Abdurrahman Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini, the ...

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Boycott American commodities

An Invitation from Wathakker Islamic center to a worldwide boycott of all American products in defense of our beloved Muhammad prayer and peace of Allah be upon him and his family. ... more

The Constitution Day

Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini: the source of our legislation is only the Noble Quran and the honored Sunnah. ... more

The Ruling of Electing Candidates

Electing the legislator (i.e. the so-called member of the National Assembly) is one of the greatest sins. ... more

A call to boycott France

Sheikh Sayyid Fu’âd ibn Sayyid Abdurrahman Ar-Rifâ’i Al-Husseini, the Chairman of Wathakker Islamic Center, has given a press statement in response to the announcement of a French newspaper (upon it is from [the Wrath of] Allah what it deserves) about its intention to publish offensive cartoons that mock our Messenger, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him. ... more

Why are the Democrats Keen to Run for Elections?

O Muslims, here is a very important question: why are a lot of people –in democracy– keen in running for elections? ... more

A Reminder of Fasting Tâsû'â' and Âshûrâ'

Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i: the fasting of the Day of Âshûrâ' was obligatory, after that it became a confirmed Sunnah. ... more


A Day of: Fasting… Joy… and Happiness ... more

The Sunnah of Fasting the Month of Allah: Al-Muharram

moments in pleasing Allah Almighty. The Islamic Center of Wathakker reminds the Muslims of the Sunnah of fasting the Month of Allah, Al-Muharram ... more