The Sunnah of Fasting the Month of Allah: Al-Muharram

Since 2012-12-18

moments in pleasing Allah Almighty. The Islamic Center of Wathakker reminds the Muslims of the Sunnah of fasting the Month of Allah, Al-Muharram




Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i: the goal of a Muslim is to seize this worldly life and all its moments in pleasing Allah Almighty.


The Islamic Center of Wathakker reminds the Muslims of the Sunnah of fasting the Month of Allah, Al-Muharram


Sheikh Sayyid Fu'âd ibn Sayyid Abdurrahman Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini has made a press statement about fasting the sacred Month of Allah, Al-Muharram.


Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i said, "Al-Muharram is one of the four sacred months. They are Dhul-Qa'dah, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram, and also Rajab, which comes between Jumâdah Al-Âkhir and Sha'ban. The Muslim should be careful not to commit any acts of disobedience in these months more than he tries in other months. Allah, Glorified and Exalted, says about these months, {so wrong not yourselves therein} [Surat At-Tawbah: 36]


It was also narrated that the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, was asked about the most excellent fasting after the month of Ramadan. He answered, "The most excellent fasting after the month of Ramadan is Allah's month of Muharram." [Reported by Muslim]


Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i added, "Therefore, every Muslim, man and woman, should observe fasting the sacred month of Muharram, or what they can from it. In fact, fasting is one of the greatest rewarded acts of worship."


Allah Almighty has said in the Divine Hadith, "Every deed of the son of Adam is for him, with the exception of fasting, for it is done for Me and I will give a reward for it." [Reported by Al-Bukhâri]

This applies to fasting in general, then what about if this fast occurs in a sacred month! Certainly, the reward is greater and more blessed.


Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i said, "If people knew the benefits of fasting and its virtues with Allah, Glorified and Exalted, they would increase fasting as the companions of the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, were used to. Because of their severe keenness in observing the fast, the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, ordered them to lessen their fasting. Such companions include Abdullah ibn Umar ibn Al-Khattab and Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al-Âs, may Allah be pleased with them. They used to fast and not to break the fast because of their keenness in attaining the reward. Therefore, the Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, told them that the utmost fasting that the Muslim could observe is the fasting of Dâwûd (David), prayers and peace of Allah be upon him. He used to fast for one day and break his fast the other day. There is nothing better than that."


Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i added, "This life is an opportunity. Whoever finds the strength to increase performing acts of obedience should do so. There is no man, whether righteous or corrupt, but that he regrets upon death. The righteous will regret not increasing the good deeds, as for the corrupt, he will regret what he has transgressed against himself (by committing evil deeds and sins)."


Sayyid Ar-Rifâ'i concluded his statement supplicating Allah, Glorified and Exalted, and saying, "O Allah, make this life an increase in all that is good… have I conveyed, O Allah, be my witness."



Written by your brother Abu Abdullah

Sayyid Fu'âd ibn Sayyid Abdurrahman Ar-Rifâ'i Al-Husseini

Dhul-Hijjah 28, 1434 AH

November 11, 2012



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