Melissa Riter, Ex-Christian, USA

I was raised in a sadly dysfunctional family. My father was anti-religion (all religions) and my mother was a non-practicing Southern Baptist. On my father's side of the family, religion was something to ridicule while one was "straight" and to adopt when one was drunk or high. On my mother's ...

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Jealousy and Modesty

Praised be to Allah the god of the worlds, and pray to Allah prophet Mohammed, all his family, and companions, then:

From the charms of our religion the taking care of nobility of characters, the prophet-peace be upon him-said: "Verily I have been but sent to perfect the most noble of ...

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Gathering on New Year's Eve to remember Allah!

Is it permissible for us to gather on New Year's Eve to remember Allah, offer supplication (du'aa') and read Qur'aan?

This is a message that I have seen a lot on the Internet, but in fact I have not sent it to anyone because I am not sure if it is an innovation (bid'ah) or not. Is it ...

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The misguided sect of al-Qur'aaniyyeen

Q: assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah
There is a deviant group of people who claim to follow the Quran only, and not the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (SAW). Please provide us with scholarly proof that they are on the wrong path, so we can give them da'wah, Insha Allah.

A: Praise be ...

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Islam Cracks The Code

Islam Cracks The Code

Bible Scholars say, "Its Changed" ~ But Do Muslims Have the Answers?
What Does the Real "Word of God" Say?
The "Bible" for Muslims?
What Do Muslims Believe About the Old and New Testament?

First it was the Da Vinci Code controversy - It was everywhere!, Dan Brown's ...
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The excellence of the ten days of Dhul-Hijja

The excellence of the ten days of Dhul-Hijja and the good deeds that should be done in them:

Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him and his father too) narrated that the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "No good deeds done on other days are liked by Allah than the ones ...

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Some Evidence For The Truth Of Islam

Scientists' Comments on Scientific Miracles in the Quran:

The following are some comments of scientists (1) on the scientific miracles in the Holy Quran. All of these comments have been taken from the videotape entitled This is the Truth. In this videotape, you can see and hear the scientists ...

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A Canadian's Journey to Islam

It's funny - I'm actually a Muslim! The term used to conjure up images of backward Bedouin Arabs living far away. Well, living in North America likely had something to do with my ignorance. I got all my views from television - that box that people watch for hours a day and assume it has factual ...

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"Key" to Paradise

What Every Muslim Needs to Know - The 9 Conditions of "Shahadah"

Based on an Article entitled (The Conditions of "La illah illa-allah") taken from
AL-BASHEER magazine

The complete statement of the creed of the Muslim is: "Ash-shadu anna Laa elaha illa lah. Ash-shadu anna Muhammadar ...

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Jesus, son of Mary (part 4 of 5): Did Jesus Really Die?

Jesus, son of Mary (part 4 of 5): Did Jesus Really Die?

The idea of Jesus dying on the cross is central to the Christian belief. It represents the conviction that Jesus died for the sins of mankind. The crucifixion of Jesus is a vital doctrine in Christianity; however Muslims reject it ...
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Abu Bakr, the Truthful (part 1 of 3): The First

«If I had taken anyone as my closest friend I would have taken Abu Bakr, but he is my brother and companion.» [1] These are the words of Prophet Muhammad, may God shower him with praises, and Abu Bakr was his closest earthly companion. Abu Bakr was known as As Siddeeq (the truthful). The ...

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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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