Ahaadeeth about the virtue of sadaqah (charity)


We have a weekly lesson here and every week we try to encourage the sisters to make sodaqa for some of the very poor muslims living in other countries .If you could provide ahadith and sayings of the scholars about the rewards on the day of judgement and in paradise for those who ...

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Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum

Scanned from: "Companions of The Prophet", Vol. 1, By: Abdul Wahid Hamid.

Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum was a cousin of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, Mother of the Believers, may God be pleased with her. His father was Qays ibn Za'id and his mother was Aatikah bint Abdullah. She was called Umm Maktum ...

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Concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

(Truly, We will suffice you against the scoffers)

Concerning mockery of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

Alhamdulillah  All praise belongs to God May the peace and blessing of Allah Subhana wa Ta 'aalaa be upon our Prophet Muhammad (Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) and ...

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Description of Hajj

Hajj is one of the best acts of worship. It is one of the pillars of Islam with which Allaah sent Muhammad and without which a person's religious commitment is incomplete. 

Worship cannot bring a person closer to Allaah and cannot be accepted unless it meets two conditions: 

1 - Sincerity ...

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Sincerity in Hajj

How can the pilgrim be sincere towards Allaah in performing the rituals? If he wants to do business and seek to earn a living as well as doing Hajj, does that mean that he is not being sincere towards Allaah?

Praise be to Allaah.

Sincerity (ikhlaas) is a necessary condition ...

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Eat and drink, but be not excessive

Allah says: "O children of Adam, take your adornment to every mosque. Eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed, He does not like those who commit excess." [Sûrah al-A`râf: 31]

There are a number of etiquettes related to fasting. One of these is for the fasting person to be moderate in ... Continue Reading

The Virtues of Calling to Allah Almighty

Calling to Allah Almighty is among the best kinds of worship and the loftiest good works. ... more

When A Muslim Is At The Point Of Death

Family members of the dying person and his most pious friends should be informed and should be present at his side to help him turn his thoughts to Allah ... more

Muhammad the human

Prophet Muhammad’s personality was at a very high level of simplicity, compassion, and love for others. ... more

Some of the fruits of following the Sunnah

there are many fruits which result of following the Sunnah: ... more

Month of Rajab and Sacred Months

At the beginning of Islam, Allaah The Almighty prescribed prohibiting fighting in the sacred months. ... more

Tawheed in intent and objectives

From those fundamentals upon which worship is based is that Allaah is to be worshiped with love, fear and hope collectively. To worship Allaah with some of them without the other is misguidance. ... more
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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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