A Human Being Before a Prophet

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has been and will always be a human being from whom Muslims learn how to love and deal with one another, and form healthy relationships in today's global village. He left his personal impact on people as a human being before God entrusted him with His message. ... more

Choosing Your Friends

Humans have always been social creatures and in need of friends and companions. A good part of our lives is spent in interaction with others. For Muslims like us who are living in a society where we are clearly a minority, the issue of choosing the right companions is essential for preserving ... Continue Reading

"Marry Anyone But a Muslim"!

What will you do if your beloved mother tells you “I don’t care if you marry a drug dealer, but don’t marry a Muslim?” ... more

Have You Prepared for the Hour?

This is the hour that each and every one of us will experience and must be aware of. This is the hour that is approaching us at every second of our lives. This will be the deciding time for us as our actions will come to an end. This is, in fact, OUR HOUR! It is the inevitable that every soul must taste. ... more

Bring your Friends Closer to Allah

Islam was never meant to be an individualistic faith, reserved for the "chosen few". Muslims have a duty to spread the Deen; and practicing Muslim youth, whether beginners, activists or leaders, have a crucial role to play. ... more

Promises, Promises

As Muslims, our word should be our bond, and if we make promises, then we should also make sure that we keep them, for Allah says, "...Surely every promise shall be questioned about." [17:39] ... more


In researching music, references to it in the Quraan and in the sunnah of our beloved Prophet, its non-permissibility is obvious. We shall start with the verses: ... more

7 tips for improving your relationship with the Qur'an

Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Qur'an? Or do you read daily, but don't find it is having the impact on you that it should? Whatever the case may be, these are some simple tips that can help you connect with the Qur'an. 1. Before you touch it, check your heart. The key to ... Continue Reading

Our Worship through the Seasons

Asif Uddin

The inherent difficulties faced by Muslims here with the seasonal variations in prayer times are part and parcel of life, so what positives can we take from this difficulty?

Many of us when hearing and reading eulogies of past communities, invariably begin to compare that past ...

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Ahmadiyyah (part 1 of 3): Origin and History

Description: A brief look at how Ahmadiyyah differs and contradicts the teachings of Islam. This first part mentions its origins and how it differs from Islam and how it broke up into two groups.

By Abdurrahman Murad (© 2008 IslamReligion.com)

The Prophet, may God praise him, said: «I asked ...

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A Canadian's Journey to Islam

It's funny - I'm actually a Muslim! The term used to conjure up images of backward Bedouin Arabs living far away. Well, living in North America likely had something to do with my ignorance. I got all my views from television - that box that people watch for hours a day and assume it has factual ...

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With three hundred and sixty joints!

Allah almighty says: "Does He who created not know, while He is the Subtle, the Acquainted?" [Al-Mulk 67:14] ... more
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2 Muharram 1446
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