Muhammad NaserAldeen Al-Albani

Muhammad NaserAldeen Al-Albani 

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The Night Prayer in Ramadan

A most rewarding and fulfilling part of a Muslim's worship are those blessed moments that he spends praying in the depth of the night, privately addressing his Great Lord, sincerely glorifying Him, humbly imploring Him - beseeching His forgiveness and asking Him for favors. The voluntary "night prayer", or qiyaam, is indispensable for a person's moral, spiritual, and physical welfare. Yet, it is greatly misunderstood and largely neglected by most Muslims ... more

The Origins of Shirk

I say: In it is also a refutation of some of the philosophers and athists who claim that the (natural) basis of man is Shirk, and that Tawheed evolved in man! ... more

Rites of Hajj & Umrah

Rites of Hajj & Umrah

Sheikh Nasir-ud-Deen Al-Albani

Advice for Those About to do Hajj

These are some pieces of advice and useful points which I offer to our brothers about to make Hajj.

Firstly: The pilgrim must fear his lord by obedience to Him, and must be very careful not to ...
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Why ascribing oneself to Salafiyyah

The Shaikh explains why the term Salafi is important

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