About Islam

Islam is a natural and complete way of life. It encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with their Creator (God). It teaches that people find true lasting happiness and peace through being close to God, following His guidance and performing good deeds. Muslims constitute approximately one fifth of the world’s population, making Islam one of the largest religions. Belief in and worship of the One True God is the purpose of life and cornerstone of Islam. The Arabic word “Islam” literally means “submission” to the One True God alone. One who voluntarily surrenders their will to God is called a Muslim, who can be from any racial or ethnic background. A distinguishing feature of Islam, unlike many other religions, is that it is not named after a person or tribe. ... more
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Tawheed in Knowledge and Beliefs

To have faith in all that is authentically related concerning the matters of the Unseen ... more

How to Tell Your Parents That You Have Embraced Islam

Be prepared that you might have some negative response from your family. These are general guidelines on how to tell and deal with your parents after embracing Islam. ... more

The Virtue of Reciting the Noble Quran

Preoccupation with the Quran is one of the most virtuous acts of worship, whether by reciting it, pondering on its meanings, or working according to its teachings. ... more

What we must believe of the Companions

Our creed concerning the Companions – May Allah be pleased with them - of the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s prayers and Peace be upon him. ... more

Images of the Prophet's mercy with non-Muslims (1)

Mercy appears clearly in our Messenger Muhammad’s, peace and blessing be upon him, morals and conduct towards all people. This mercy was not only confined to his companions, may Allaah be pleased with them; but rather, it extended to include non-Muslims. ... more

Introduction to Zakaah 1/2

The fact that Zakaah is an obligation upon the Muslims is one of the most apparent indications of the beauty of Islam and the concern it has for its adherents. ... more

Translation of the meanings of surah An-Naml

(1) (1) Ṭā, Seen.[1071] These are the verses of the Qur’ān [i.e., recitation] and a clear Book

[1071]- See footnote to 2:1.


(2) (2) As guidance and good tidings for the believers


(3) (3) Who establish prayer and give zakāh, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith].


(4) (4) Indeed, ...

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Merits of Purification

Merits of Purification

1- Allah, the Exalted, says:

{إِنَّ اللَّـهَ يُحِبُّ التَّوَّابِينَ وَيُحِبُّ الْمُتَطَهِّرِ‌ينَ}

'Translation' {Indeed Allah loves those who continually seek repentance and those who purify themselves} ...

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Means of Purification

As for purification from impurities in general, water and other substances can be used. ... more


Question: Is a non-Muslim filthy, such that a Muslim must redo his wudhu if he touches one of them? ... more


If a Muslim purifies himself in the manner ordained in the Shari'ah (Islamic Jurisprudential Laws) his Prayers will purify him from sins. ... more
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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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