The evil deed

Since 2012-11-10

Indeed; for the sins and evil deeds there are negative evil effects hurt the heart and body, in the worldly life and hereafter too, great hurt none knows its severity but Allah. Therefore; the prudent Muslim should escape the sins and evil deeds and get away from them.

The evil deed between the urgent pleasure and postponed punishment

All Praise is due to Allah, We praise Him and we seek help from Him. We ask guidance from Him and we ask forgiveness from Him. We seek refuge in Him from our own evils and our own bad deeds. I bear witness that there is no God except Allah; and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant, and His messenger.
Indeed; for the sins and evil deeds there are negative evil effects hurt the heart and body, in the worldly life and hereafter too, great hurt none knows its severity but Allah. Therefore; the prudent Muslim should escape the sins and evil deeds and get away from them.
Among the effects of the sins and evil deeds:
1- Being prevented from knowledge. Actually; knowledge is a light gets thrown in the heart by Allah, while the sin turns off this light.
Ash-Shafe’i said to a man: “I see that Allah has thrown a light upon your heart; so, you should not turn it off by the darkness of the sin.”
2- Being prevented from provision. It is mentioned in Musnad Ahmad that the servant gets prevented from the provision because of committing a sin. Hence; deserting the evil deeds brings provision as well as fearing Allah.
3- Desolateness in the heart. Indeed; there would be desolateness in the heart of the disobedient; it would be between himself and his Lord. Actually, this is something could be felt by the disobedient person who has some life in his heart, because the dead heart feels nothing.
4- Having obstacles in his way. Whenever he intends to do something, he found it difficult or impossible.
5- Having real darkness in his heart. He would feel such darkness as he feels the darkness of the night. Verily, the obedience is light while disobedience is darkness.
6- Being prevented from the obedience. If there is no punishment for the sin, it should be sufficient for the sinner, as punishment, that he is prevented from obeying Allah. In fact, the disobedient person gets prevented from many acts of obedience, the reward of each one of them is better than the worldly life and whatever in it.
7- The sin is a reason for the disgrace of the servant in the sight of his Lord. Al-Hassan Al-Basri said: “They became disgraceful in His sight, so they disobeyed Him. Actually; if they were honorable in His sight, He would have prevented them from committing the sins. Verily; when the servant becomes disgraceful in the sight of his Lord, he would never be honorable in the sight of anyone.” Allah Almighty says: {And whomsoever Allâh disgraces, none can honour him} [Surat Al-Hajj 22:18]
{وَمَنْ يُهِنِ اللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُ مِنْ مُكْرِمٍ} الحجّ: 18
Transliteration: Wa Man Yuhini Al-Lahu Famā Lahu Min Mukrimin
8- The acts of disobedience spoil the mind. Indeed; there is a light for the mind, and the acts of disobedience turn off this light. And when the light of the mind gets turned off, the mind becomes imperfect. One of the righteous forefathers said: “None disobeys Allah, but He turns his mind off.” Actually; this is well-known, because if the mind of the disobedient person was alert, it would surly had prevented him from committing the sin.
9- When the sins increase, the heart of its doer gets covered by them. One of the righteous forefathers commented on the saying of Allah Almighty {Nay! But on their hearts is the Rân (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn} [Surat Al-Mutaffifin 83:14] by saying: “The Rân is the sin after the sin.”
{كَلا بَلْ رَانَ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ} المطففين: 14
Transliteration: Kallā BalRāna `Ala Qulūbihim Mā Kānū Yaksibūna
10- Shortening the life and removing the blessing. Actually, the disobedience shortens the life as well as the obedience lengthens it. Therefore; when the servant is far from Allah and gets involved in the sins, he loses the days of his life.
How can you prevent yourself, if it wanted to disobey Allah?
A man came to Ibrahim ibn Adham (may Allah be pleased with him) then said: “O Abu Ishaq, I wrong myself (i.e. by committing the sins); so, kindly introduce me to whatever may prevent that and save me.”
“If you accepted five things and became able to hold fast to them, no sin could harm you,” Ibrahim said.
“Tell me about them, Abu Ishaq,” the man said.
“As for the first; if you wanted to disobey Allah Almighty, you should not eat from His provision,” Ibrahim said.
“Then, from where could I eat, while everything in the earth is His provision?” the man asked.
“O man; is it proper for you to eat His provision, and then disobey Him!” Ibrahim exclaimed.
“No,” the man replied, “tell me the second thing.”
“If you wanted to disobey Him, you should not live in one of His lands,” Ibrahim said.
“This is more difficult, where could I live?” the man said.
“O man; is it proper for you to eat His provision and live in His lands, and then disobey Him?” Ibrahim exclaimed.
“No,” the man replied, “tell me the third thing.”
“If you wanted to disobey Him, eat from His provision and live in His lands, you should look for a place he could not see you in it, and then disobey Him in this place,” Ibrahim said.
“O Ibrahim, what is this? He surely knows the secrets!” the man replied.
“O man; is it proper for you to eat His provision, live in His lands and disobey Him; although He sees you and knows what you reveal and what you conceal?” Ibrahim exclaimed.
“No,” the man replied, “tell me the fourth thing.”
“When Angel of death comes to take out your soul, say to him; ‘delay me in order that I repent a sincere repentance and do good deeds for the sake of Allah’,” Ibrahim said.
“This would not be accepted,” the man said.
“O man; as long as you know that you cannot delay the time of death, to repent, and know that death could never be postponed once its time comes; how could you seek safety?” Ibrahim exclaimed.
“Tell me the fifth thing,” the man said.
“If the guards of Hell-Fire came to you on the Day of Judgment to take you to Hell-Fire, do not go with them,” Ibrahim said.
“They would never leave me or accept excuse,” the man said.
“So, how do you seek safety?” Ibrahim asked.
“O Ibrahim, it is enough, it is enough. I ask forgiveness from Allah and repent to Him,” the man said.
Then; he repented a sincere repentance, held fast to the acts of obedience and deserted the sins; till he left the worldly life.
The sayings of the righteous forefathers concerning the evil deeds:
Ibn Abbas said: “The evil deed leaves blackness in the face, darkness in the heart, feebleness, deficiency in provision, and hate in the hearts of the creatures.”
Al-Fudail ibn ‘Eiad said: “As small the sin is in your sight as great it is in the sight of Allah; on the other hand, as great the sin is in your sight as small it is in the sight of Allah.”
Imam Ahmad said: “I heard Bilal ibn Sa’id say, ‘you should not look at how small the sin is; rather you should look at the greatness of Whom you disobeyed.’”
Yahia ibn Mu’âdh Ar-Razzi Said: “I am astonished for seeing a man says in his invocation; ‘O Allah, do not make my enemies rejoice at the misfortune of me,’ and then he makes every enemy rejoices at his misfortune.” When he was asked: “How is that?” He said: “He disobeys Allah Who in turn makes every enemy rejoices at his misfortune on the Day of Judgment.”
One of the righteous forefathers said: “Allah has created the angels with minds and no desire; although He created the beasts with desires and no mind, and created the man from them both. Therefore; whoever has his mind overwhelmed his desires, he is better than the angels. On the other hand; whoever has his desires overwhelmed his mind, he is worse than the beasts.”
How to get out the evil deeds:
The man would never be safe unless he is free from five things;
1-   Polytheism contradicts monotheism,
2-   New creation in the religion contradicts the Sunnah,
3-   Desire contradicts what is enjoined,
4-   Inattentiveness contradicts the remembrance, and;
5-   Whim contradicts devotion.
Indeed, sincerity prevails these all.
As for the remedy, invocation is the best remedy; it is the antidote of the affliction and the weapon of the believer. Indeed, there are three states to the invocation with the affliction;
First: It may be stronger than the affliction; hence, it removes it.
Second: It may be weaker than the affliction; hence, the affliction surpasses it and affects the servant; however, it lightens it.
Third: They may be equal; each of them combats the other. The Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “He who does not ask Allah, Allah gets angry with.” [Reported by At-Tirmidhi 3373 and declared good by Al-Albani]
«من لم يسأل الله يغضب عليه» رواه التِّرمذي 3373 وحسَّنه الألباني
Before disobeying Allah, you should remember the following:
- Allah sees you and knows whatever you reveal and whatever you conceal.
- The angels count all your sayings and all your deeds; then, they record them in your deeds’ book; they never miss even the weight of an atom.
- The day on which the sun will be just one mile away from the heads and people are sunken in their sweat.
- The day on which people will be resurrected barefooted and necked.
- The angel of death takes your soul.
- The grave and its torment, narrowness, darkness, worms, and vermin; it is either a garden from the gardens of Paradise or a ditch from the ditches of Hell-Fire.
- Your stand between the Hands of Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment, with no curtain or translator between you and Him.
- When the organs of the disobedient people testify against them {And they will say to their skins, “Why do you testify against us?” They will say: “Allâh has caused us to speak as He causes all things to speak: and He created you the first time, and to Him you are made to return.”} [Surat Fussilat 41:21]
{وَقَالُوا لِجُلُودِهِمْ لِمَ شَهِدْتُمْ عَلَيْنَا قَالُوا أَنْطَقَنَا اللَّهُ الَّذِي أَنْطَقَ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ وَهُوَ خَلَقَكُمْ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ وَإِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ} فصلت: 21
Transliteration: Wa Qālū Lijulūdihim Lima Shahidtum `Alaynā Qālū 'Anţaqanā Al-Lahu Al-Ladhī 'Anţaqa Kulla Shay'in Wa Huwa Khalaqakum 'Awwala Marratin Wa 'Ilayhi Turja`ūna
- The pleasure of the evil deed is temporary, regardless of how great it may seem. This is in addition to the pain, remorse, regret, and deficiency of provision in the worldly life.
- The evil deed is darkness upon darkness and the heart becomes ill and weak; furthermore, it may completely die.
Among the major punishments because of the evil deed is causing the rupture of relation between the servant and his Lord. Indeed; when the rupture occurs, the reasons of good avoids the servant and the reasons of evil come closer to him.
There are characteristics for the repentant:
The repentant person has a broken heart and plentiful tears; he has live conscience, heart fears Allah, truthful speech, great emotions, and a sane mind. Furthermore; he is free from pride; he always turns between the fear and hope; there is lovesickness in his affection; there is sorrow in his face; and there are secrets in his tears. The repentant person always turns between going ahead and going away; he is an experienced person who tasted the torment when he got away from Allah and has tasted the bliss when he came close to Allah. The repentant person learns a lesson from every event; he finds sweetness for the obedience; finds pleasure in worship; finds taste in faith; and finds delight for being close to Allah. The repentant person writes stories by the tears of the sorrow and compiles sermons out of the weep. The repentant person is someone emaciated because of fasting; furthermore, he tires his legs from standing while praying at night. He had sworn to desert sleep; hence, he devoted the body and soul to Allah and repented a sincere repentance. The repentant person is someone who is covered by humiliation and weakened by sorrow; he dispraises himself because of his desires. Therefore; he is praised by Allah, because he repented to Him.
Ibn Al-Qayy im said: “Verily; the sins harm the bodies, and their effect on the heart is like the effect of the poison on the bodies; at various levels. Indeed; what is worse than the evil deeds?! What got the first parents (i.e. Adam and Eve) out of Paradise? What moved them from the world of pleasure, luxury, enjoyment and happiness to the world of pains, sorrows and disasters?! What got Iblis (i.e. Satan) out of the Heavens, expelled him, cursed him, and disfigured his outward and inward (making them the ugliest outward and inward)? What did turn him from being close to Allah to being away from Him? What did turn his beauty into ugliness? What led him to Hell-Fire instead of Paradise? What did turn him from faith to infidelity?”
Al-Hassan Al-Basri said: “Verily, the human self is inclined to evil; so, if it disobeyed you in the acts of obedience, you should disobey it in the acts of disobedience! Indeed; there is nothing deserves to be restrained more than your own self. Also, there is nothing deserves to be held back more than your tongue, and there is nothing deserves to be rejected more than your whims. Indeed; you need to restrain yourself more than the need of the unruly riding animal to rein.”
Do you disobey Allah and then seek His mercy?
There was a master who has a slave working in his farm. One day, the master ordered the slave to plant wheat in part of the farm, and then he went and left the slave. This slave was a sane wise man; therefore, he planted it barley instead of the wheat. When the owner came to the land just before the time of harvest and found that his slave planted barley instead of wheat, he said:
“I ordered you to plant wheat; so, why did you plant barely?”
“I hoped that the barely may produce wheat?” the slave replied.
“O fool, do you hope barely to produce wheat?” the master astonished.
“O master, would not you disobey Allah and then hope having His mercy? Would not you disobey Allah and then hope getting in His Paradise?” the slave explained.
Whereupon, the master got terrified and frightened and remembered that he will surly meet Allah; so, he said: “I repented to Allah and returned to Him. You (i.e. the slave) are free for the sake of Allah.”
Actually, you reap what you cultivate, and Allah never wrongs anybody.
Remember the hotness of Hell-Fire:
Abu ‘Uthman At-Taimi said: “A man from the children of Israel passed by a nun who was one of the most beautiful women. The man was infatuated by her; so, he got up to her worship place and tried to entice her. However; she repulsed him and said: “Do not be deceived by what you see; in fact, there is nothing behind it!” But the man insisted till he overcame her and tried to rape her! Besides the nun, there was burning brazier; so, she put her hand in it, till it was burnt. After the man was finished with her, he asked her: “Why did you do that?”
“When you overcame me, I feared that I may share you the prohibited pleasure, and then be partner to you in the sin and punishment; therefore, I did what you saw,” the nun explained.
Whereupon the man said: “I swear by Allah that I will never disobey Him!” and then he repented. Allah is Glorified!
O brothers, before the sin, you should remember the severity of Hell-Fire and ask yourselves whether your bodies could tolerate Hell-Fire! If yes, you can commit the sins. Actually, none could tolerate the fire of the world; hence, what about the fire of Hereafter, which surpasses the fire of the world with seventy-fold. Verily, you should fear Allah.
Watching Allah:
Whenever your self intends to commit a sin, you should remind it with Allah. However; if it did not hold back, you should remind it with the men. And if it is not deterred, you should remind it with the scandal when people know. However; if it did not return back, then you should know that you have become an animal.
The state of those who fear Allah:
Tâwûs used to spread his mattress and lie on it, moving restlessly like a grain in a frying pan, and then gets up to fold the mattress and pray till morning; saying: “Remembering Hell-Fire prevented me from sleep.”


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