Leisure Time or Lost Time?

Do we consider how much time we spend on activities that are not truly beneficial? ... more

Some General Guidelines for Performing Dhikr


The Salaf and commentators differed about what this verse refers to, some saying that it refers to the prayers, others that it refers to supplication and others that it refers to dhikr in general. However they all agreed....
1. Performing dhikr is an action of worship, as such it is ...
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1- It brings you closer to Allah, a sure way to paradise, and one of the most beneficial aspects of our religion that should be a-life-long obligation for us.

2- Taqwaa means to place a protection between you and any possible threat, Islamically speaking it means that you place a ...

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The Pillars of Islam and Eman

The Pillars of Islam are the cornerstones on which Islam is built... ... more

A Message in the Rule of Witchcraft

A Message in the Rule of Witchcraft and Fortune-Telling with some import fatwas (religious opinions) ... more

The Prophet and how he treated children

The Messenger of Allah -prayers and peace of Allah be upon him- concluded that the best way to approach children is through specific planned disciplinary manners. Based on different aspects; knowledge, experience, practice, patience and understanding. ... more

The virtues of Shaban

"That's a month the people neglect it between Rajab and Ramadan, and in that month- Shaban- the people deeds are raised to the Lord of mankind, so I love to be fasting, while my deeds are raised" ... more

Episode 8: A Spotlight on Aqabah pledges

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: Allah planted stout seeds which strengthened Islam greatly. When Quraysh rejected his religion, He the Mighty allowed the light of his call to shine on all regions of earth. Abu-Zar (may Allah be pleased with him) heard about the prophet and his Call in Mecca.

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Asking Forgiveness


Al-Istighfaar (Asking Forgiveness)

Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullaah
Majmoo al-Fataawaa 10/88-90

The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam, said: «The master of invocations for forgiveness is that the servant says: O' my 'ilâh You are my Lord, there is no 'ilâh ...
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The danger of hypocrisy

What is hypocrisy and how dangerous is it for the Muslims?

Praise be to Allaah.

Hypocrisy is a serious sickness and a great crime. It means making an outward display of Islam whilst inwardly concealing kufr. Hypocrisy is more dangerous than kufr (disbelief) and the punishment for it is more ...

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What After Ramadan?






What After Ramadan?


AlHamdulillahi wa kafaa, was-Salatu was-salamu `alaa `ibaadihi-lladheena Stafaa Amma baad:

We leave the blessed month of Ramadan, its beautiful days and its fragrant nights. We leave the month of ...
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Status of Eid prayer in Islam

Status of Eid prayer in Islam

The Eid Prayer is wajib (obligatory) according to the majority of scholars. The Prophet (peace be upon him) performed it consistently and commanded all the people to go out for it.

He (peace be upon him) even specifically commanded all of the women to attend; Umm ...
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