Episode 14: A Spotlight on the Way to the Battle of Uhud

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: In Mekka, idolaters were very angry because of their defeat before the Muslim army at Badr’s battle.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy: They were full of great grief and sorrow because of this unbelievable defeat.

Sheikh Abdullateaf Al-Ghamdi: They were burning with ...

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About Islam

Islam is a natural and complete way of life. It encourages one to give due attention to their relationship with their Creator (God). It teaches that people find true lasting happiness and peace through being close to God, following His guidance and performing good deeds. Muslims constitute approximately one fifth of the world’s population, making Islam one of the largest religions. Belief in and worship of the One True God is the purpose of life and cornerstone of Islam. The Arabic word “Islam” literally means “submission” to the One True God alone. One who voluntarily surrenders their will to God is called a Muslim, who can be from any racial or ethnic background. A distinguishing feature of Islam, unlike many other religions, is that it is not named after a person or tribe. ... more
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The necessity of seeking guidance from God

Praise be to Allah, the Most Generous, the All-Responsive to every person who calls Him, the Creator, fully aware of the last and the first. ... more

The Last Ten Nights of Ramadan - Don't Miss!

Prophet Muhammad would wake up his wives to pray for a much longer portion of the night... ... more

[Better Habit-Making - Part 1] Purifying the Heart

Are you having a hard time sticking to your new year resolutions? Perhaps you’ve been frustrated and disappointed over and over again seeing your grand plans of change fall apart? Don’t worry, I’ve been there. We’ve all been there. Let’s try again. This time, with the proper understanding and knowledge of habit-making. ... more

Raising Our Future Generations: (Part 5): Strengthening the Foundation

Children need a great deal of attention and parents have to realize that raising kids is a 24/7 job. ... more

This is Our Aqeedah

Hamad ar-Rayyis


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all that exists, and in Him we seek help. And may Allah send blessings and peace upon the Last of the Prophets and Messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions and whoever follows his guidance ...

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Loving him in light of the Mawlid

By Gulraz Gachi

“There has certainly come to you a Messenger from among yourselves. Grievous to him is what you suffer; (he is) concerned over you and to the believers is kind and merciful.”[1]

Allah the Most Merciful truly blessed His servants with the coming of His beloved Messenger ...

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The Spiritual and Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

By Shahid Athar M.D.

At the onset of Ramadan Muslims all over the world start fasting from dawn to dusk daily for 30 days as ordained in Quran.

"O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa" (Quran 2:183)

The ...

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Seek Forgiveness for Your Sin Earnestly

All perfect praise is due to Allah The Almighty. May prayers and peace of Allah be upon His truthful Messenger; Muhammad, his family, his companions and those who followed him until the Day of Resurrection.

These are brief words about Istighfar "seeking forgiveness", its virtues, its proper ...

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Brief Guide To Hajj & Umrah

Brief Guide To Hajj & Umrah

How to Perform the Rituals of Hajj and Umrah?

Sheikh Muhammad As-Salih Al-Uthaymin


Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe. May peace and blessings be upon Muhammad, the last of the Prophets and messengers, and upon his family and esteemed ...
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We are nearer to Jesus than them

Muhammad Hassan

Summary of the lecture

The Prophets of Allah were all sent with one religion, they, the prophets, from the time of Adam till the seal of Prophets our beloved chosen prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him, have been sent with the message of Islam. Hence, the ...

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24 Dhu al-Qi'dah 1445
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