Tag: wisdom
Jamal Badawi
Since 2014-09-28

My way or the highway
Duration: 6:22The Reason Why Mankind Was Created
This article clarifies the wisdom of Allah to create mankind. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2014-08-03
The wisdom behind I‘tikaaf
I‘tikaaf (seclusion in the mosque) was prescribed by Sharee‘ah with the main purpose of making the heart fully occupied with and totally devoted to Allaah alone... ... more
Imam ibn Qayyim al-Jawzeyya
Since 2014-04-24
A Collection of Wise Sayings (Al-Fawaid)
A Collection of Wise Sayings (Al-Fawaid): is one of the well-known compilations of Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (may Allah have mercy upon him). This book consists of the elevated thoughts that Allah bestows upon some of His servants as He wills. So whenever any of these scattered pearls of wisdom occurred to the Imam, he would immediately record them. ... more
Mohammed Salama Al_Ghonaimi
Since 2014-04-02
Some Aspects Of the Prophet's Wisdom
Some Aspects Of the Prophet`s Wisdom
Millions of Muslims around the world Care for getting quotations of wisdom from the pagans, atheists and polytheists, especially in social networking sites.
On the other hand, few Muslims quote from the sayings of the impeccable, who does not speak out of his ...
Continue ReadingAli Al-Tamimi
Since 2012-12-23
Reaping the Benefits of Ramadan
In the month of Ramadan it is very important that we spent a few moments to understand some of the wisdoms and lessons that we can learn from this month of fasting.
Unfortunately, many Muslims come in ...
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Since 2012-12-14
Does Islam regard men and women as equal?
One of the things that people misunderstand is when they say that 'Islam is the religion of equality'. What they should say is that Islam is the religion of justice. ... more
Since 2012-12-14
'Eesa ibn Maryam was created without a father
What is the wisdom behind the fact that Allaah created ?Eesa ibn Maryam without a father? ... more
Since 2012-12-08
Expensive Weddings - Is it really Wise?
Wedding is not a fairy tale but the first real day of your married life. ... more
Since 2012-11-15
Divine wisdom behind fasting Ramadan
Every Muslim should know that fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, here we are trying to know some divine wisdom behind this great pillar... ... more