Friday – The Best Day of the Week

Friday is a very important day for Muslims. It is more significant and more beneficial than any other day of the week... ... more

Virtues of the Day of Arafaah

What are the Virtues of the Day of Arafaah?

Praise be to Allaah.  1.  It is the day on which the religion was perfected and Allaah’s Favour was completed. In Al-Saheehayn it was reported from ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a Jewish man said to him, “O Ameer al-Mu’mineen, ... Continue Reading

Art of Forgiveness

One of the best characteristics of a true believer is Forgiveness, in this lesson we are going to learn more about this virtue in Islam.

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Interactions Of The Greatest Leader

Allaah granted his Prophet, (prayer and peace of Allah the Almighty be upon him), qualities of perfection and noble characteristics which distinguished him from all other human beings. Consequently, he, (prayer and peace of Allah the Almighty be upon him), combined all the possible virtuous human traits and was the best leading example in treating others with benevolence. ... more

Speak Good or Remain Silent

One of the best virtues in Islam is to be highly aware of speaking outcome; In essence, a tongue might be a cause to go to Paradise or Hellfire. Discover this issue in this article and take it seriously. ... more

Virtues of the Last 10 Nights

The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to strive hard (in worship) during the last ten days of Ramadan in a way that he did not strive at any other times. [Muslim, 1175, from 'A'ishah] ... more

Amongst the virtues of the Messenger Muhammad

Amongst the virtues of the Messenger Muhammad, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him ... more

The virtues of 'Aa'ishah

What are the virtues of 'Aa'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her)? Can you tell us something about her so that we women may follow her example? ... more