Tag: repentence
Yaser Birjas
Since 2015-01-04

Allah Loves Those Who Turn Back
Duration: 9:29Various Scholars
Since 2015-01-04
The Effect of Sins- Sajid Umar
Sheikh Sajid explains the effect that sins can have on ourselves, our family members and society as a whole. He also highlights how we should strive to protect ourselves from committing sins, and continously do a ‘self-audit’ of oursleves, and if we are to slip and err then remember to never lose Hope in the Mercy of Allah Almighty, for as long as we are breathing there is always a chance to turn back to Allah in repentance.

Being reckless with regard to zina on the grounds that the Muslim who commits sin will never stay in Hell for eternity
What is your response to the one who says that so long as the Muslim has an atom’s weight of faith in his heart, he will enter Paradise even if he commits zina during his lifetime?
What do you say to the wife who betrays her husband by committing the immoral act of zina for the sake of sexual pleasure?.
Praise be to Allaah.The belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa‘ah is that those who commit major sins are subject to the will of Allah. If Allah wills, He will punish them, and if He wills, He will forgive them, and if they are punished, they will not remain in Hell forever. This is what is ... Continue Reading
Jamal Badawi
Since 2014-09-28

My way or the highway
Duration: 6:22Various Scholars
Since 2014-09-26