What is to be said when visiting a dying person (2/2)

A dying person should combine hope and fear in himself: Hoping for the mercy of Allah and fearing of His Punishment. ... more

What is to be said when visiting a dying person (1/2)

The speech here will be about what is to be said when visiting a dying person and what should a dying person say when approaching death. ... more

How to perform Tayammum?

Tayammum replaces Wudhu or Ghusl and enables a person to do any acts of worship that normally require Wudhu or Ghusl. ... more


Tayammum is a dry ablution. ... more

Month of Rajab and Sacred Months

At the beginning of Islam, Allaah The Almighty prescribed prohibiting fighting in the sacred months. ... more

Tawheed in intent and objectives

From those fundamentals upon which worship is based is that Allaah is to be worshiped with love, fear and hope collectively. To worship Allaah with some of them without the other is misguidance. ... more

10 Reasons Why I Chose Islam as my Religion?

Islam is the original religion that gives Muslims peace of mind and requires us to submit to the will of God. Besides man, all creations of Allah SWT submit to the will of Allah. ... more

Tawheed in Knowledge and Beliefs

To have faith in all that is authentically related concerning the matters of the Unseen ... more

The example of Muslims, Jews, and Christians

This Hadith is setting an example for the people to whom Moses was sent to abide by the commands and prohibitions for the rest of their lives until Allah sent Jesus, peace be upon him, who commanded them to follow him but they refused and denied the legislation with which he came. ... more

Rulings Related to the Month of Rajab (2)

Thus, one should seize the opportunity of doing great good deeds in this month. That is because filling its times with the acts of worship really has great virtues. ... more