Guarding Virtue

Book Topics: The Necessity of Belief in the Differences between Man and WomanGeneral VeilSpecial VeilWomen Staying in Houses is Legal DutyMixing between Men and Women is Prohibited in Islamic Law ... more

MUHAMMAD The Last Prophet A Model For All Time

The Age of IgnoranceBefore ProphethoodAfter ProphethoodIn MadinahThe Decisive Battle of BadrThe Battle of UhudThe Battle of the DitchThe Expedition Against the Banu QurayzahThe Peace Treaty of Hudaybi ... more

Story when Moses Took a Bath Naked and the Stone Fled with his Clothes

When Moosa, may Allaah exalt his mention, was in seclusion and get out of water and did not find his clothes, he followed the stone, believing that he will not meet anyone while he is naked ... more

The virtue of reciting the last two Ayhas of Surat Al Baqarah every night

The two Ayahs included the faith of the believers in Allah, obeying and worshipping Him, admitting His Lordship, their need to His forgiveness, confession of negligence in His Rights... ... more

It is sufficient sin for a person to forsake whom he supports

The permissibility of work and earning so that a person can spend on himself and those whom he supports. ... more

Story of the Group of Israelites that were Lost

Muslim individual should do his best and strive hard about worshiping Allaah The Almighty, beware of the things that cause His Wrath for indeed, His seizure is painful and severe. ... more
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Duration: 15:56

Be the Best- Sajid Ahmed Umar

Be the Best in whatever you do”, a talk for kids and parents.

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The most distinctive characteristics 0f Ahlus-Sunnah

Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah are the Saved-Sect (in the Hereafter) and the Victorious and Aided Group (in this world). ... more

Tie it and put your trust in Allah

Reliance is one of the strong moral means that achieve one's goal and fulfill the needs. ... more

An Abandoned Companion- Sajid Ahmed Umar

Sheikh Sajid explains the importance of protecting ourselves from ever falling into unaccepted category by discussing the status and honour that we should afford the Book of Allah in our lives.

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