MUHAMMAD The Last Prophet A Model For All Time
Since 2015-02-21
This book portrays a vivid picture of the life and times of Muhammad, the last Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It has been written in a style attractive to young people by the renowned Islamic scholar Maulana Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi.

- The Age of Ignorance
- Before Prophethood
- After Prophethood
- In Madinah
- The Decisive Battle of Badr
- The Battle of Uhud
- The Battle of the Ditch
- The Expedition Against the Banu Qurayzah
- The Peace Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
- Inviting the Kings and Rulers to Islam
- The Expedition to Khaybar
- The Expedition to Mu'tah
- The Conquest of Makkah
- The Battle of Hunayn
- The Expedition of Ta'if
- The Tabuk Expedition
- The Year of Delegations
- The Farewell Hajj
- The Death of the Messenger of Allah
- The Prophet's Character and Qualities
- Category:
- Number of volumes: 1
- Publisher: Academy of Islamic Research and Publications
- Publication year: 2008
- Edition number: 2008