Tie it and put your trust in Allah

Reliance is one of the strong moral means that achieve one's goal and fulfill the needs. ... more

The most distinctive characteristics 0f Ahlus-Sunnah

Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah are the Saved-Sect (in the Hereafter) and the Victorious and Aided Group (in this world). ... more

An Abandoned Companion- Sajid Ahmed Umar

Sheikh Sajid explains the importance of protecting ourselves from ever falling into unaccepted category by discussing the status and honour that we should afford the Book of Allah in our lives.

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The Most Merciful - Sajid Ahmed Umar

A very distinctive lesson about the mercy of Allah. Sheikh Sajid advises on the countless blessings afforded upon a believer and to never lose hope in Allah Almighty, The Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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Ghusl is washing the whole body with water. ... more

How to perform Ghusl?

How to perform Ghusl?

1. Intention, i.e. to perform Ghusl.
2. Basmallah (i.e. to say 'Bismillah' - I begin with the name of Allah).
3. Wash the hands.
4. Wash the private parts with the left hand.
5. Perform the Wudhu:
* Wash the hands three times.
* Rinse the mouth three times.
* Cleanse ...

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