Who are the Mahrams of a Woman?

The following question was raised to An-Nawawi : “Who is the woman whom a man is permitted to look at and meet her in seclusion?” An-Nawawi replied, “It is every woman whom he is permanently forbidden to marry due to a permissible reason because of her unlawfulness... ... more

[Better Habit-Making - Part 1] Purifying the Heart

Are you having a hard time sticking to your new year resolutions? Perhaps you’ve been frustrated and disappointed over and over again seeing your grand plans of change fall apart? Don’t worry, I’ve been there. We’ve all been there. Let’s try again. This time, with the proper understanding and knowledge of habit-making. ... more

Kinship RightsII

Just as a husband is required to perform his duties towards his parents-in-law, a wife is required to fulfill her duty towards her parents-in-law as well. A righteous woman should understand the parents' love for their son and she must not be the least jealous or try to weaken the relation between her husband and his parents. She should also know that if she wishes Allaah The Almighty to bless her married life and grant her happiness with her husband, she should support him to be dutiful to his parents. ... more

Kinship RightsIII

Allaah The Almighty does not command injustice, and therefore it is improper to request the husband to remain close to his parents in order to satisfy his parents while they are a whip of torture, harm, evil and oppression against his wife. The same applies to the wife’s parents. Both the husband and the wife are required to fear Allaah The Almighty and treat each other fairly. ... more

Improper dress for women and intermingling between sexes

The correct dress and covering for women and the prohibition of them intermixing with men are the two most important interconnected preventative measures that Islam has laid out. ... more