Category: Repentance
Various Scholars
Omar Suleiman
Ismail Musa Menk (Mufti Menk)
Shady Al-Suleiman
Allah is happier for His servant to come back to him than a mother losing her babychild for days then she finds him.

Shady Al-Suleiman
Returning to Allah
Why are we here in this world? We are here for Allah, may He be Glorified!...We are here to worship Allah, May He be Exalted!...We are here to follow Muhammad, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him...We are here to carry a great responsibility, the responsibility of Islam...

Muhammad Al-Shareef
Yaser Birjas
You Will Find The Solution In The Quran
Discover the beauty of The Holy Quran and try to devote yourself to remember this remarkable benefit and share it with others.

Shady Al-Suleiman
Yaser Birjas
The Weight Of Salah On The Day Of Judgment
One of the most important lessons that every Muslim has to realize with the most careful consideration.

Yaser Birjas
The Sunnah Of Reminders (Naseehat)
Reminding Muslims of Islam ethics and good morals is of great value in Islam.

Yaser Birjas
The Value Of Good Speech In Islam
Good speech is an important factor to drive others to Islam and it has significant role to enter Paradise.