Category: Islamic Morals

Appeasing Thoughts

Soothing broken souls (Nafs) and appeasing the thoughts of people in tribulation is one of the greatest causes of intimacy and love among Muslims. Read the book to discover the ethics of appeasing thoughts. ... more

Advice of Ibn Jawzi-Sajid Umar

This advice was shared during the Dhuhr reminder – ‘Food for thought, the only food we allowed to eat whilst fasting ‘ .

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Can Islam Cure Depression?

To become Muslim, you submit your will to Allah alone and no one else, and you trust that He will take good care of you no matter what happens as long as you keep your side of the relationship with Him. ... more

Parents' Rights

The respect due to parents is a natural right, and does not depend on how they treat their children. ... more

Bashfulness is full of goodness

the virtue of bashfulness and its high status ... more

Enjoy Your Life

This is an exquisite collection of incidents from the life of the Prophet (S), stories from our Islamic Heritage, and thought-provoking anecdotes from the life of the author. The aim of the book is to train the reader to enjoy living his life by practicing various self-development and inter-personal skills. What is so compelling and inspiring about this book is that, in order to highlight the benefit of using social skills, the author draws from the lives of the Prophet (S) and his Companions. ... more
Books Since 2014-07-09

The Ideal Muslim

By Muhammad Ali Al-Hashemi The ’Ideal Muslim’ is now in its second revised edition in English, it has been very well received by our English and Arabic readers. The author has even examined both Eastern and Western thoughts on certain issues and proved that the Islamic Ideal is superior in all cases. ... more

Don't Be Sad (Bookmarked)

One of the best books of the scholar sheikh Aa'id Al-Qarni. Don't Be Sad is an important book for all. It is full of practical advice on how to repel despair and replace it with a pragmatic and ultimately satisfying Islamic outlook on life. It exposes to the modern reader how Islam teaches us to deal with the tests and tribulations of this world. ... more

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