Category: Fiqh of Zakah
Various Scholars

Why do Muslims pay zakat ?
Duration: 11:26The Rate of Zakaat al-Fitr
What is the rate of Zakaat al-Fitr? Is it permissible to give it after the Eid Prayer? Is it permissible to give Zakaat al-Fitr in cash?
Muhammad Al-Shareef
Various Scholars
Wealth upon which Zakaah is Due 2/2
Various Scholars
Wealth upon which Zakaah is Due 1/2
Abdul-azeez bin Baaz
Introduction to Zakaah 2/2
Abdul-azeez bin Baaz
Introduction to Zakaah 1/2
Various Scholars
He has repented from not praying or giving Zakah, does he have to make them up?
I am from a Muslim background, but I never used to offer the obligatory prayers and even when I tried to pray once, I did not do it right. In other words I did not prepare to do it in the proper manner. I ask Allah to forgive me. I heard that the one who does not pray is a disbeliever and is not a Muslim, but whoever offers the five daily prayers, or one or two of them and omits the rest, is regarded as a Muslim. Also, I did not pay zakah on my wealth, but for at least two years I have completed the fast of Ramadan, and I intend to continue doing so. I want to learn how to pray and make it part of my life, along with other acts of worship.
Is it obligatory for me to pay zakah for all these many years (when I did not pay it), and to make up the days that I did not fast at the time when I was not praying?
Please note that I have now reached the age of thirty-one years; perhaps you will understand that this may cause me a great deal of hardship; to ward off that hardship, can I start over? Will Allah forgive me if I do that?
Various Scholars
Zakat al-Fitr: a Purification of your Fasts
Does being in debt mean that zakaah is no longer due? Can he delay zakaah because he has no cash available?
In our country we have been affected by war and we were expelled from our land 23 years ago. Praise be to Allah, my father and I are settled now and we have a business. We borrowed money in order to settle and start a business, the value of which was 1 million. When we worked out the value of zakaah that we owe on the property and trade goods that we have in our possession, it was estimated to be 7 million, and the trade goods on which zakaah is due are worth 5 or 6 million.
My questions are:
1. Are we required to pay zakaah, as we have not paid it all these years because we were not able to pay off the debt of 1 million? Was it correct for us not to pay zakaah?
2. We do not have any cash now, if we are required to pay zakaah. We helped a brother of ours to pay off a debt he owed, so that he could pay off the borrowed amount without paying the interest that had been agreed upon. Is it possible for us to waive this debt and thus pay off the zakaah that we owe?
3. We own some property in the country where the war was, that we took possession of after the war ended, and we are planning to sell this property in order to pay off debts and so that we can buy a house in the place where we live now. Is this property subject to zakaah?.