Reviving our sense of Gheerah

Reviving our sense of Gheerah

by Sister Fatima Barakatullah

We live in societies in which most men and women have lost their sense of modesty, women are obsessed with their appearances and wear clothes to be seen by others and to attract the attention of other men even if they are married! ... Continue Reading

The Light of Truth

Man's existence in this world and the creation of this entire universe are not mere accidents or products of a fortuitous nature. ... more

Islamic Concept of God

(Abu Ameenah Bilal Philiphs)

What makes Islam's concept of God unique? What sets it apart from other religions?

Chapter 112 of the Quran entitled Surat al-Ikhlas (SINCERITY), serves as a good starting point to discuss the unique way in which God is viewed in Islam.

The first verse of ...

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God is Love

Frequently, Christians say to me that “God is Love”, as if the God I know and love is not a loving God. They couldn’t be more wrong, because Allah says: { وَهُوَ الْغَفُورُ الْوَدُودُ } 'Translation'{He (Allah) is the All-Forgiving, the All-Loving} [ Al-Burooj: 14]. One of the 99 names of Allah is “Al-Wadoud” (the All-Loving). So, when they tell me that Allah is not a loving God, I am confident to correct them stating that Allah is the MOST loving. ... more

Images of the Prophet's mercy with non-Muslims (4)

Fourth Image: Prophet’s, peace and blessing be upon him, mercy towards non-Muslims and even supplicating Allaah The Almighty to guide them ... more

Insulting scholars and pursuing their defects are blameworthy

Abdullah ibn Al Mubarak, the master of the science of Hadith who died in 181 AH, was asked: Who are the best among people?

He said: Scholars.

It was asked: Who are the best among kings?

He said: The ascetics.

Somebody asked: Who are the low people[1]?

He said: Those who replace religion with the ...

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Scientific Accuracy of Qur'an Amazes U of T Professor

        This message is based on an article titled "Highlights of Human embryology in the Qur'an and Haidth" by Dr.Keith Moore, Professor of Anatomy and Chairman of the Department, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Toronto, 1982. Dr. Moore points out that the study of how the human ... Continue Reading

Do You Know This Book ?

        Of all the acclaimed masterpieces that the world has seen, nothing can be compared to the book known as the Qur'an. Millions have become Muslims upon simply hearing a verse from this amazing book, yet still the majority knows nothing of it. The Qur'an is the Final Revelation from the ... Continue Reading

How did Jesus' people know him?

If the followers of Jesus (peace be upon him) considered God to be their "Father,"

Then how did they regard Jesus?

To answer this let us read together:

  • "And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet" [Matthew 14:5 (compare with ...
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History of Islam in Tanzania

The earliest concrete evidence of Muslim presence in East Africa is the foundation of a mosque in Shanga on Pate Island where gold, silver and copper coins dated AD 830 were found during an excavation in the 1980's. The oldest intact building in East Africa is a functioning mosque at Kizimkazi ... Continue Reading

What is Zakah ?

        Zakah is the third obligation of Islam, every Muslim whose finances are above a certain specified minimum must pay 2.5 per cent of his cash balance annually to a deserving fellow-being, a new convert to Islam, a traveler or a person with debts. This is the minimum. The more you pay, ... Continue Reading

The Qur'aan And What It Means To Muslims

Allah states: { And if anyone of the mushrikeen (polytheists) seeks your protection, then grant him protection, so that he may hear the word of Allah (the Qur'aan) }[Qur'aan 9:6]

The Qur'aan was brought down by Jibreel (Gabriel) to Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and over a ... Continue Reading
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30 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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