Images of the Prophet's mercy with non-Muslims (3)

Third image: Prophet’s, peace and blessing be upon him, stances towards the captives: ... more

Following The Way of the Companions

In numerous places in the Qur'aan, Allaah praises and shows His pleasure for the Companions of the Prophet (Saw) and also for those who follow in their footsteps. ... more

Story when Moses Took a Bath Naked and the Stone Fled with his Clothes

When Moosa, may Allaah exalt his mention, was in seclusion and get out of water and did not find his clothes, he followed the stone, believing that he will not meet anyone while he is naked ... more

Choosing Your Friends

Humans have always been social creatures and in need of friends and companions. A good part of our lives is spent in interaction with others. For Muslims like us who are living in a society where we are clearly a minority, the issue of choosing the right companions is essential for preserving ... Continue Reading

Winning Hearts

Winning Hearts

Here are 11 pieces of advice to help you in winning others hearts. My pieces of advice are like arrows that aim at shooting hearts as its only target. I mean here, to be the virtuous merits, that captivate others hearts and help in overcoming imperfections. Actually, such ... Continue Reading

Why Muslims Love the Month of Ramadan?

Islam uses a lunar calendar-that is, each month begins with the sighting of the new moon, therefore because the lunar calendar is about 11 days shorter than the solar calendar, Islamic months "move" each year. This year (2008) the Islamic month of Ramadan coincides almost exactly with the month ...

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Troy Bagnall, Ex-Christian, USA

My name is Troy Bagnall. I'm a 22-year-old (soon to be 23) college student at Arizona State University (ASU) from Phoenix, Arizona in the US. I'm in a film & media studies program at ASU too.

I accepted Islam this past February for a multitude of reasons. I had been interested in Islam for ...

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The Nature of Life in the Grave

Q: When it is said that the dead person is alive in the grave, is that the same as his former life (is he alive in the same way)? How many of his senses are restored to him? For how long does he stay alive in the grave? If the dead person is questioned in a physical sense, how does that apply ...
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Hardening of the Heart

The Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him informed us in a very famous tradition, commonly quoted with reference to halal and haram, about the importance of the heart. He said:
«There is in the body a clump of flesh - if it becomes good, the whole body becomes good and if it becomes bad, the ...

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The Virtue of Four Words

Praise is due to Allah the Almighty, peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family, his Companions and whosoever follows him. The most important objective in this life is finding ways to make our scale of good deeds heavy before the day of judgement and before ...

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II. Zionists Reject Uganda

When Herzl's attempts to obtain a charter to grant the Jews a home in Palestine failed because of Sultan Abd al-Hamid's complete rejection of the idea, he organized the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. Two hundred Jewish delegates attended from all over the world. The conference ...

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The Month of Rajab

Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid


1) Allaah favors certain times and places over others.

2) The sacred months.

3) The reason why they are so called.

4) Rajab is a sacred month.

5) Fighting during the sacred months.

6) Al-'Ateerah (a kind of sacrifice).

7) Fasting ...

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3 Muharram 1446
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