The Story of Prophet Saleh

The way God chose to speak to the people of Thamud was through the story of a camel! ... more

Effects of Tawhid on Human Life

Let us study the effects which the belief in La ilaha illallah has on the life of a man and see why he should always make a success of life and why one who denies it becomes a failure in life, both here and in the hereafter. ... more

The Story of Nuh (Noah) - Ibn Kathir

Ibn Kathir

He was Noah ibn Lamik ibn Mitoshilkh ibn Enoch ibn Yard ibn Mahlabil ibn Qinan ibn Anoush ibn Seth ibn 'Adam, the Father of Mankind 'alayhis-salam.

According to the history of the People of the Book (this refers to the Jews, and Christians, so called by Allah because they ...

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Giving Priority to the Quran

Abu Anas Hamad al-’Uthman

Hudayfah - radhiallahu 'anhu - said:

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam related two matters to us. I have seen one of them, and I am waiting for the other. He informed us: "Trustworthiness was sent down in the depths of the heart of the people, ...

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Ashura (10th of Muharram): A Day of Joy or Grief?

In this short article, I hope to dispel some of the myths surrounding this day and explain the position of Ahl as-Sunnah with regards to the above two practices. ... more

Men are the Protectors and Maintainers of Women

What does it mean that men are “protectors and maintainers” of women? ... more

Translation of the meanings of surah Al-Muminoon (2)

(51) (51) [Allāh said], "O messengers, eat from the good foods and work righteousness. Indeed I, of what you do, am Knowing.


(52) (52) And indeed this, your religion, is one religion,[959] and I am your Lord, so fear Me."

[959]- See footnote to 21:92.


(53) (53) But they [i.e., the people] ...

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The Conditions of Laa ilaaha illa-Allaah

The Conditions of Laa ilaaha illa-Allaah

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

The first condition is knowledge, in the sense of negating what is negated in the Shahaadah and affirming what is affirmed therein - as opposed to being ignorant of that.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meanings):
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Bible Compared to Quran

Based on transcripts of vairous lectures given by Yusuf Estes & Dr. Gary Miller

Introduction by Yusuf Estes
It should be stated at the outset of this work, that Muslims do not seek to put down or desecrete the Holy Bible. It is a matter critical matter of faith for Muslims to believe in ...

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Women in Islam: Oppression or Liberation?

For centuries, Muslim women in all corners of the world have been aware of the liberation that is achieved by adhering to the concept of hijab. Current world events have once again brought the issue of women's liberation in Islam to the forefront of people's minds.

Can a Woman Who Adheres to ...

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Virtues of the Ten Days of Dhul Hi-jjah

Virtues of the Ten Days of Dhul Hi-jjah

Muhammad Salih al-Munajjid

How do the first ten days of the Month of Dhul Hijjah differ from other days of the year?

Praise be to Allaah Who has created Time and has made some times better than others, some months and days and nights ...

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The Breeze of Ramadan

A beautiful reminder and a glaring advice of the value of Ramadan, every Muslim has to make full advantage to welcome this great blessing and this great opportunity. ... more
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29 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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