Poetic Justice: Ibn Taymiyyah's Poem

From it we derive the very methodology by which we live our lives and view this blessed religion of ours. ... more

The Dilemma of Schooling Our Kids in the West

The dilemma that we are facing today is that Islamic schools are not always available. If they are available, they are not affordable for all Muslims, and many of them are simply unsatisfactory (certainly not all of them). ... more

She is too young to get divorced

How difficult the divorce of the new bride whose hands are still dyed in henna is! What is more difficult is her return to her family without using most of her furniture and kitchenware which burdened her father with money and her mother with tiredness and efforts. ... more

Analysis of Piety

From the morals and manners of the Salaf was that they would strictly analyze their piety (taqwa) never claiming to be a possessor of such. ... more

Do not lie, even in a joke

True belief in Allah and the Day of Judgment implies that the person is truthful in his speech If he truly believes that Allah Hears and Sees everything he does and a Day will come when he will be accounted for his actions, then he will not lie. ... more


The idea that music is a powerful medium to communicate values and social messages is merely an emotional and unscholarly view. ... more

Seeking Allah's assistance

Whenever your thirst for desires intensifies, just stretch your fingertips to He Who has all the irrigation. Say: should patience be overwhelmed in these dry years, I?d plead to You to hasten my rescue with water. ... more

A Good Death

These are just some of the beautiful examples of a good ending from our predecessors, besides what we know from the good endings from companions. Such as the one whom upon hearing that Paradise was as wide as the heavens and the earth flung himself into the midst of the battle to attain it. ... more


1- Tawheed means singling out Allah in worship, that He becomes our ultimate goal and that everything we do should bring us closer to Him.

2- Love is the essence of worship, so worship is much more than rituals, it is a talent, and the best thing a human being could ever do.

3- The ...

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Dealing with the Current Issues

Dealing with the Current Issues and planning for the future of the Muslims in the light of the prophet’s guidance. ... more

The Undetected Poison

He, in reality, is nothing in this vast creation. A speck upon a planet, which is a speck in comparison to the sun, which in turn is a speck in this universe, which is a speck in the ocean of Allah’s creation... ... more
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2 Muharram 1446
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