Tag: tawhid
Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid
Since 2015-01-18
Reliance on Allah
Reliance on Allah the Exalted is a lofty station that has a great effect. It is one of the most important obligations of faith, one of the best actions and acts of worship that bring one closer to
Ar-Rahmaan (the Possessor of Mercy), and one of the highest stations of unifying Allah the Exalted, because everything
occurs through reliance on Allah the Exalted and seeking His help. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2015-01-05
All About Worship-Sajid Umar
The advices shared in ‘All about Worship’ dealt with the pillars and conditions that are incumbent upon a believer for our worship to be accepted.

Various Scholars
Since 2014-04-01
Effects of Tawhid on Human Life
Let us study the effects which the belief in La ilaha illallah has on the life of a man and see why he should always make a success of life and why one who denies it becomes a failure in life, both here and in the hereafter. ... more
Various Scholars
Since 2014-01-09
The concept of monotheism in Islam
I am doing research on the concept of monotheism in the world's five major religions. Could you please explain to me the concept of monotheism in Islam?
The Fatwa Department Research Committee - chaired by Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-TurayrîMonotheism is the message that all of the Prophets came with. People then deviated from the truth. Then Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) came as the final Messenger and restored true monotheism to ... Continue Reading
Since 2012-12-06
The rights of Islam are numerous, including some mentioned here in this article. ... more
Since 2012-12-04
The Heart’s & Body’s Relief Lies in Obeying Allah
The servant surrenders and submits himself before his Lord and Master and emerges in a state of quietude and peace, looking on at Him with his heart; his soul at rest. ... more
Since 2012-11-18
The effect of Lâ Ilâh Illâ Allah
The effect of "Lâ Ilâh Illâ Allah" (there is No God but Allah) at the Moment of Death ... more