A Message to my Dear Wife

I will write down the problems that contained some disobedience and transgression appeared at time of inattention by you. They often trouble and annoy me. Moreover, they make me lose tranquility and calmness that I used to feel throughout our marital life ... more


"The most excellent fast after Ramadan is God's month. al-Muharram,.." [Muslim] ... more

A different Ramadan this year

Ramadan is the month of victory in all levels... Ramadan is a chance to enhance our personalities to the better... That's why we have devised for you fellow Muslim observing fast, a daily program. ... more

Ali, son of Abu Talib (part 1 of 2)

The Early Years

Ali "Ibn" (son of) Abu Talib was the young cousin of Prophet Muhammad. This child, who greatly admired his older cousin, grew into a noble warrior for Islam, a knowledgeable judge, a remarkable exegete of Quran and a righteous leader of the Muslim nation.

Ali was born in ...

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Who is the Dajjaal?

Q: Who is the Dajjaal and what are his attributes?

A: Praise be to Allaah.

Meaning of the word Maseeh (Messiah)
There are over fifty scholarly comments on the meaning of the word Maseeh (Messiah). They said that this word is applied both to the Truthful One [True Messiah, i.e., 'Eesa ...

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Muhammad in the Bible

Could he be the "Paraklytos"?

By: Yusuf Estes (Former Christian Preacher)

More than fourteen centuries have passed since the prophet of Arabia made claim to being the last and final 'messenger and slave' of Allah. Yet the intensity of discussion amongst scholars from all religions seems to ...

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Allah's Blessing

We all have something in our lives to overcome,
It doesn't have to stop us from having fun,
Whatever hurdle gets put in my path, it's Allah's Blessing.

For me, it's my body, which tends to go on strike,
The hurts, the aches, get to me most at night,
However strong the pain may be, it's ...

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The Virtues of Allah's sacred month of Muharram and Fasting on 'Aashooraa'

What are the virtues of the month of Muharram and fasting 'Aashooraa'?

Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Chief of the Messengers, and upon all his family and companions. Allah's sacred month of ...

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Allah is Beautiful & Loves Beauty

From 'Abdullaah Ibn Mas'ood (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who said that the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "No one will enter Paradise who has an atom's weight of pride in his heart." A man said, "What if a man likes his clothes to look good and his shoes to look good?" He said, " Continue Reading

Translation of the meanings of surah Maryam

(1) (1) Kāf, Hā, Yā, ʿAyn, ād.[806]

[806]- See footnote to 2:1


(2) (2) [This is] a mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zechariah


(3) (3) When he called to his Lord a private call [i.e., supplication].


(4) (4) He said, "My Lord, indeed my bones have weakened, and my head has ...

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Be careful of Wolves' hearts

Yes, they have wolves' hearts because in front of you they deal with you nicely then they turn to the opposite at your back. ... more

Celebrating Al-Mawlid is a Bid'ah

Among the reprehensible innovations that people have invented is the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet, peace be upon him, (Al-Mawlid) in the month of Rabee’ Al-Awwal. ... more
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12 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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