Types Of Hajj

Since 2008-07-01
Types Of Hajj

Making Hajj only in the prescribed months of Hajj

1. Starting Ihram and Reaching Miqat

Starting Ihram

Step 1
If you are traveling by air or sea you have two options:
(a) put on Ihram before leaving
(b) put on Ihram on the flight/ship before passing over the Miqat

Step 2
Before you take your flight or any means of transportation, you should make a general cleanup getting ready for Ihram state:

Clipping nails, shaving underarm and pubic hair, and trimming mustache.

Take a shower and wash your body.

Get ready for putting on Ihram clothes.

If you decide to visit Madinah first, you will start Ihram on your way from Madinah to Makkah.

Have Ihram clothes handy in your carry-on bag.

Once you put on Ihram clothes, you have to observe Ihram obligations.

Whatever the means of transportation you use, say the above Qur'anic verse.

WARNING: Jeddah according to Sunnah is not Miqat. If you reach it without Ihram you should go to the nearest Miqat or slaughter an animal.

It is time to learn Talbiyah. You will need it soon.

"Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la sharika laka Labbayk, Innal hamda wanni'mata laka walmulk La sharika lak"

"O my Lord, Here I am at Your service, Here I am.
There is no partner with You. Here I am.
Truly, the praise and the provisions are Yours, and so is the dominion and sovereignty.
There is no partner with you."

As you intend to make Tamattu' say: (I am responding to You, my Lord, by 'Umrah with Tamattu' till Hajj.)

Reaching Miqat

Step 1
When you reach the Miqat, make a whole body cleanup if you did not do so before leaving home.

Step 2
It is recommended to put on Ihram clothes after one of the 5 regular prayers.

Step 3
Take off all your normal clothes.

Put on the 2 clean, white seamless garments, and put on any sandals that do not reach your ankles without any socks.

Only men should take off their underwear.

Women put on any regular decent dress without any specific color. The dress should leave the face and the hands uncovered.

WARNING: If you pass Miqat without Ihram you have to go back to the nearest Miqat to put on Ihram or you have to make a sacrifice.

2. Making TawafSEQUENCE:

Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allah Akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a':

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

The Ka'bah should be on the left hand.

You can make Tawaf on any of the 3 floors, the ground, the first floor, or the roof.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

"Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire!."

If it is not possible, pray anywhere in the mosque while facing the Ka'bah.

WARNING: When you circle the Ka'bah do not go through Hijr Isma'il.

Do not push any pilgrim whatever the reason.

3. Making Sa'eeSEQUENCE:

Step 1
Go to the Safa and Marwah area.

Praise Allah and make Takbeer 3 time make du'a'.

Step 2
Descend from Safa and walk between the 2 hills (Safa and Marwah) at a normal speed.

Mention the name of Allah, recite Qur'an, and make du'a' while walking.

Ascend the hill of Marwah and make the same du'a' made at Safa.

Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish 7 rounds. Make du'a' and praise Almighty Allah.

4. Staying in Mina

Step 1
Go to the area of Mina

Step 2
Pray 5 daily prayers in Mina. Start with Dhuhr prayer.

Step 3
Stay in Mina until the sunrise of the 9th Dhul-Hijjah.

Shorten the 4-rak'at prayers to 2 rak'at only but do not combine prayers together.

WARNING: If you do not attend 'Arafat or you leave it before Maghrib your whole Hajj is nullified, and you have to make a sacrifice.

5. Attending 'Arafat

Step 1
Leave for 'Arafah.

Keep reciting the Talbiyah.

Step 2
Stay in 'Arafat.

Listen to the Khutbah at Masjid Namira then pray Dhuhr and 'Asr at noon.

Spend the whole day praising Allah and glorifying Him.

Ask Allah for forgiveness and guidance.

Make repentance.

Make du'a' for Muslims.

Step 3
After sunset, leave for Muzdalifah.

Move quietly while reciting the Talbiyah.

Shorten and combine Dhuhr and 'Asr prayer.


If you leave before Maghrib your whole Hajj is nullified, and you have to make a sacrifice.

6. Staying the night in Muzdalifah

Step 1
Leave for Muzdalifah quietly.

Step 2
Stay the night in Muzdalifah. Once you reach Muzdalifah, pray Maghrib and 'Isha' there.

Pray Fajr there.

Go to al-Mash'ar al-Haraam and make du'a' until the brightness of the sun is widespread.

Step 3
Leave Muzdalifah for Mina.

Mention the name of Allah, and recite the Talbiyah until you stone Jamarat al-'Aqabah.

Combine the 2 prayers. Shorten 'Isha' prayer to 2 rak'at.

Speed up your walk when you pass by Muhasir valley.

WARNING: No one should leave Muzdalifah before fajr without a legitimate excuse, only women, the old, and the weak.

7. Throwing stones at Jamrat al-'Aqabah

Step 1
Reaching Mina.

When you reach Mina, go to Jamrat al-'Aqabah (Al-kubra)

Step 2
Throw 7 pebbles successively.

Throw while making Takbeer with each one.

The size of the pebble should not exceed that of a bean.

Never pick up the pebbles from the location of the Jamarat.

Weak and sick people can appoint others to throw stones on behalf of them.

You can throw pebbles either from under the Jamarat bridge or above it

WARNING: Be sure the pebbles touch the inside of the Jamrah fence.

8. Slaughtering/ Cutting Hair/ Tawaf Ifadah

Step 1
Slaughter the sacrifice.

After finishing the throwing, go to slaughter the sacrifice.

Be sure that it is a sheep, or 1/7 share of a cow or a camel with other people.

You have the option to start with any of the following rituals:


cutting your hair

making Tawaf Ifadah

Always choose the best animal and avoid those with defects.

You can slaughter the animal yourself or by appointing someone to do it for you.

You can eat up to 1/3 of it, offer 1/3 as a gift, and offer 1/3 to the poor.

WARNING: Be sure that you can slaughter any time on the four days, the 10th, the 11th, the 12th, and the 13th, but not after that.

9. Making Tawaf Ifadah

Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allahu Akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a'.

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim, if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

It is recommended that men have their right shoulders not covered by Ihram cloths.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

WARNING: Menstruating women should not make Tawaf until their period stops. Sa'ee can be postponed until they are clean again.

10. Staying in Mina


Step 1
Leave Makkah for Mina.

After finishing your Tawaf and Sa'ee, go to spend the night in Mina.

Step 2
Stay in Mina.

Pray the daily and night prayers in Mina.

Shorten the 4-rak'at to 2 rak'at.

Do not combine prayers together.

WARNING: The minimum stay Mina should exceed most of the night.

Otherwise you are required to make a sacrifice.

11. Throwing pebbles at the 3 Jmarat

Step 1
Go to Jamarat area in Mina.

Start with al-Jamarah as-Sughra. (The smallest).

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. Then make du'a'.

Step 2
Go to al-Jamrah al-Wusta (Medium).

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. then make du'a'.

Step 3
Go to al-jamrah al-Kubra. (The Largest)

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble.

The size of the pebble should not exceed that of a bean.

Without making du'a'.

WARNING: You should stay at least from midnight to Fajr in Mina.

12. Making Tawaf (Farewell)


Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allahu akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a': "Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire!."

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim, if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

It is recommended that men have their right shoulders not covered by Ihram clothes.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

If it is not possible, pray anywhere in the mosque while facing the Ka'bah.

WARNING: A menstruating woman can leave Makkah without making a Farewell Tawaf.

Making `Umrah and Hajj at the same time in the same journey

1. Starting Ihram and Reaching Miqat

Starting Ihram

Step 1
If you are traveling by air or sea you have two options:

(a) put on Ihram before leaving

(b) put on Ihram on the flight/ship before passing over the Miqat

Step 2
Before you take your flight or any means of transportation, you should make a general cleanup getting ready for Ihram state:

Clipping nails, shaving underarm and pubic hair, and trimming mustache.

Take a shower and wash your body.

Get ready for putting on Ihram clothes.

If you decide to visit Madinah first, you will start Ihram on your way from Madinah to Makkah.

Have Ihram clothes handy in your carry-on bag.

Once you put on Ihram clothes, you have to observe Ihram obligations.

Whatever the means of transportation you use, say the above Qur'anic verse.

WARNING: Jeddah according to Sunnah is not Miqat. If you reach it without Ihram you should go to the nearest Miqat or slaughter an animal.

It is time to learn Talbiyah. You will need it soon.

"Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la sharika laka Labbayk, Innal hamda wanni'mata laka walmulk La sharika lak"

"O my Lord, Here I am at Your service, Here I am.

There is no partner with You. Here I am.

Truly, the praise and the provisions are Yours, and so is the dominion and sovereignty.

There is no partner with you."

As you intend to make Tamattu' say: (I am responding to You, my Lord, by 'Umrah with Tamattu' till Hajj.)

Reaching Miqat

Step 1
When you reach the Miqat, make a whole body cleanup if you did not do so before leaving home.

Step 2
It is recommended to put on Ihram clothes after one of the 5 regular prayers.

Step 3
Take off all your normal clothes.

Put on the 2 clean, white seamless garments, and put on any sandals that do not reach your ankles without any socks.

Only men should take off their underwear.

Women put on any regular decent dress without any specific color. The dress should leave the face and the hands uncovered.

WARNING: If you pass Miqat without Ihram you have to go back to the nearest Miqat to put on Ihram or you have to make a sacrifice.

2. Making Tawaf

Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allah Akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a':

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

The Ka'bah should be on the left hand.

You can make Tawaf on any of the 3 floors, the ground, the first floor, or the roof.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

"Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire!."

If it is not possible, pray anywhere in the mosque while facing the Ka'bah.

WARNING: When you circle the Ka'bah do not go through Hijr Isma'il.

Do not push any pilgrim whatever the reason.

3. Making Sa'ee

Step 1
Go to the Safa and Marwah area.

Praise Allah and make Takbeer 3 time make du'a'.

Step 2
Descend from Safa and walk between the 2 hills (Safa and Marwah) at a normal speed.

Mention the name of Allah, recite Qur'an, and make du'a' while walking.

Ascend the hill of Marwah and make the same du'a' made at Safa.

Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish 7 rounds. Make du'a' and praise Almighty Allah.

4. Staying in Mina

Step 1
Go to the area of Mina

Step 2
Pray 5 daily prayers in Mina. Start with Dhuhr prayer.

Step 3
Stay in Mina until the sunrise of the 9th Dhul-Hijjah.

Shorten the 4-rak'at prayers to 2 rak'at only but do not combine prayers together.

WARNING: If you do not attend 'Arafat or you leave it before Maghrib your whole Hajj is nullified, and you have to make a sacrifice.

5. Attending 'Arafat

Step 1
Leave for 'Arafah.

Keep reciting the Talbiyah.

Step 2
Stay in 'Arafat.

Listen to the Khutbah at Masjid Namira then pray Dhuhr and 'Asr at noon.

Spend the whole day praising Allah and glorifying Him.

Ask Allah for forgiveness and guidance.

Make repentance.

Make du'a' for Muslims.

Step 3
After sunset, leave for Muzdalifah.

Move quietly while reciting the Talbiyah.

Shorten and combine Dhuhr and 'Asr prayer.


If you leave before Maghrib your whole Hajj is nullified, and you have to make a sacrifice.

6. Staying the night in Muzdalifah

Step 1
Leave for Muzdalifah quietly.

Step 2
Stay the night in Muzdalifah. Once you reach Muzdalifah, pray Maghrib and 'Isha' there.

Pray Fajr there.

Go to al-Mash'ar al-Haraam and make du'a' until the brightness of the sun is widespread.

Step 3
Leave Muzdalifah for Mina.

Mention the name of Allah, and recite the Talbiyah until you stone Jamarat al-'Aqabah.

Combine the 2 prayers. Shorten 'Isha' prayer to 2 rak'at.

Speed up your walk when you pass by Muhasir valley.

WARNING: No one should leave Muzdalifah before fajr without a legitimate excuse, only women, the old, and the weak.

7. Throwing stones at Jamrat al-'Aqabah

Step 1
Reaching Mina.

When you reach Mina, go to Jamrat al-'Aqabah (Al-kubra).

Step 2
Throw 7 pebbles successively.

Throw while making Takbeer with each one.

The size of the pebble should not exceed that of a bean.

Never pick up the pebbles from the location of the Jamarat.

Weak and sick people can appoint others to throw stones on behalf of them.

You can throw pebbles either from under the Jamarat bridge or above it

WARNING: Be sure the pebbles touch the inside of the Jamrah fence.

8. Slaughtering/Cutting Hair/Tawaf Ifadah


Step 1
Slaughter the sacrifice.

After finishing the throwing, go to slaughter the sacrifice.

Be sure that it is a sheep, or 1/7 share of a cow or a camel with other people.

You have the option to start with any of the following rituals:


cutting your hair

making Tawaf Ifadah

Always choose the best animal and avoid those with defects.

You can slaughter the animal yourself or by appointing someone to do it for you.

You can eat up to 1/3 of it, offer 1/3 as a gift, and offer 1/3 to the poor.

WARNING: Be sure that you can slaughter any time on the four days, the 10th, the 11th, the 12th, and the 13th, but not after that.

9. Cutting Hair

Step 1
Get your head shaved or trimmed. Start with the right side of the head. For women, trim only a finger tip's length from the hair.

Step 2
After cutting your hair, you have reached (at-tahalul al-asghar) the partial ending of Ihram.

At this phase, all the prohibitions of Ihram state are no longer applicable. A pilgrim can resume normal life except for sexual intercourse.

Always keep the ritual places as clean as possible.

the total ending of Ihram state (at-tahalul al-akbar) will be after finishing the Tawaf and Sa'ee.

WARNING: Be sure that the prohibitions of Ihram state are lifted except sexual intercourse with one's spouse.

10. Making Tawaf IFadah


Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allahu Akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a'.

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim, if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

It is recommended that men have their right shoulders not covered by Ihram cloths.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

WARNING: Menstruating women should not make Tawaf until their period stops. Sa'ee canbe postponed until they are clean again.

11. Staying in Mina

Step 1
Leave Makkah for Mina.

After finishing your Tawaf and Sa'ee, go to spend the night in Mina.

Step 2
Stay in Mina.

Pray the daily and night prayers in Mina.

Shorten the 4-rak'at to 2 rak'at.

Do not combine prayers together.

WARNING: The minimum stay Mina should exceed most of the night.

Otherwise you are required to make a sacrifice.

12. Throwing pebbles at the 3 Jmarat


Step 1
Go to Jamarat area in Mina.

Start with al-Jamarah as-Sughra. (The smallest).

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. Then make du'a'.

Step 2
Go to al-Jamrah al-Wusta (Medium).

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. then make du'a'.

Step 3
Go to al-jamrah al-Kubra. (The Largest).

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble.

The size of the pebble should not exceed that of a bean.

Without making du'a'.

WARNING: You should stay at least from midnight to Fajr in Mina.

13. Making Tawaf (Farewell)


Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allahu akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a': "Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire!."

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim, if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

It is recommended that men have their right shoulders not covered by Ihram clothes.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

If it is not possible, pray anywhere in the mosque while facing the Ka'bah.

WARNING: A menstruating woman can leave Makkah without making a Farewell Tawaf.

Making 'Umrah then Hajj in the same journey in the same year in the prescribed months of Hajj.

1. Starting Ihram and Reaching Miqat

Starting Ihram

Step 1
If you are traveling by air or sea you have two options:

(a) put on Ihram before leaving

(b) put on Ihram on the flight/ship before passing over the Miqat

Step 2
Before you take your flight or any means of transportation, you should make a general cleanup getting ready for Ihram state:

Clipping nails, shaving underarm and pubic hair, and trimming mustache.

Take a shower and wash your body.

Get ready for putting on Ihram clothes.

If you decide to visit Madinah first, you will start Ihram on your way from Madinah to Makkah.

Have Ihram clothes handy in your carry-on bag.

Once you put on Ihram clothes, you have to observe Ihram obligations.

Whatever the means of transportation you use, say the above Qur'anic verse.

WARNING: Jeddah according to Sunnah is not Miqat. If you reach it without Ihram you should go to the nearest Miqat or slaughter an animal.

It is time to learn Talbiyah. You will need it soon.

"Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk, Labbayk la sharika laka Labbayk, Innal hamda wanni'mata laka walmulk La sharika lak"

"O my Lord, Here I am at Your service, Here I am.

There is no partner with You. Here I am.

Truly, the praise and the provisions are Yours, and so is the dominion and sovereignty.

There is no partner with you."

As you intend to make Tamattu' say: (I am responding to You, my Lord, by 'Umrah with Tamattu' till Hajj.)

Reaching Miqat


Step 1
When you reach the Miqat, make a whole body cleanup if you did not do so before leaving home.

Step 2
It is recommended to put on Ihram clothes after one of the 5 regular prayers.

Step 3
Take off all your normal clothes.

Put on the 2 clean, white seamless garments, and put on any sandals that do not reach your ankles without any socks.

Only men should take off their underwear.

Women put on any regular decent dress without any specific color. The dress should leave the face and the hands uncovered.

WARNING: If you pass Miqat without Ihram you have to go back to the nearest Miqat to put on Ihram or you have to make a sacrifice.

2. Making Tawaf


Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allah Akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a':

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

The Ka'bah should be on the left hand.

You can make Tawaf on any of the 3 floors, the ground, the first floor, or the roof.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

"Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire!."

If it is not possible, pray anywhere in the mosque while facing the Ka'bah.

WARNING: When you circle the Ka'bah do not go through Hijr Isma'il.

Do not push any pilgrim whatever the reason.

3. Making Sa'ee


Step 1
Go to the Safa and Marwah area.

Praise Allah and make Takbeer 3 time make du'a'.

Step 2
Descend from Safa and walk between the 2 hills (Safa and Marwah) at a normal speed.

Mention the name of Allah, recite Qur'an, and make du'a' while walking.

Ascend the hill of Marwah and make the same du'a' made at Safa.

Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish 7 rounds. Make du'a' and praise Almighty Allah.

4. Ending the State of Ihram


Step 1
End your 'Umrah.

After the 7th round, you should shave or trim all the hair on your head.

Women are to cut only a finger tip's length from their hair.

Step 2
Take off Ihram clothes and put on normal clothes.

At this time, all the prohibitions of Ihram state are no longer applicable. You can resume your normal life without any problem.

WARNING: Do not cut your hair inside al-Masjid Al-Haraam. This is not the Sunnah.

Always keep mosques clean.

5. Starting Ihram of Hajj


Step 1
Take a shower or make wudu' before you put on Ihram clothes.

Step 2
Put on Ihram and pray 2 rak'at.

Step 3
Only men say the intention loudly: (Labbayka Allahumma Hajjan) Meaning: (O Allah, I am responding to your call by making Hajj).

Step 4
Move to Mina before noon.

6. Staying in Mina


Step 1
Go to the area of Mina

Step 2
Pray 5 daily prayers in Mina. Start with Dhuhr prayer.

Step 3
Stay in Mina until the sunrise of the 9th Dhul-Hijjah.

Shorten the 4-rak'at prayers to 2 rak'at only but do not combine prayers together.

WARNING: If you do not attend 'Arafat or you leave it before Maghrib your whole Hajj is nullified, and you have to make a sacrifice.

7. Attending 'Arafat


Step 1
Leave for 'Arafah.

Keep reciting the Talbiyah.

Step 2
Stay in 'Arafat.

Listen to the Khutbah at Masjid Namira then pray Dhuhr and 'Asr at noon.

Spend the whole day praising Allah and glorifying Him.

Ask Allah for forgiveness and guidance.

Make repentance.

Make du'a' for Muslims.

Step 3
After sunset, leave for Muzdalifah.

Move quietly while reciting the Talbiyah.

Shorten and combine Dhuhr and 'Asr prayer.


If you leave before Maghrib your whole Hajj is nullified, and you have to make a sacrifice.

8. Staying the night in Muzdalifah


Step 1
Leave for Muzdalifah quietly.

Step 2
Stay the night in Muzdalifah. Once you reach Muzdalifah, pray Maghrib and 'Isha' there.

Pray Fajr there.

Go to al-Mash'ar al-Haraam and make du'a' until the brightness of the sun is widespread.

Step 3
Leave Muzdalifah for Mina.

Mention the name of Allah, and recite the Talbiyah until you stone Jamarat al-'Aqabah.

Combine the 2 prayers. Shorten 'Isha' prayer to 2 rak'at.

Speed up your walk when you pass by Muhasir valley.

WARNING: No one should leave Muzdalifah before fajr without a legitimate excuse, only women, the old, and the weak.

9. Throwing stones at Jamrat al-'Aqabah


Step 1
Reaching Mina.

When you reach Mina, go to Jamrat al-'Aqabah (Al-kubra)

Step 2
Throw 7 pebbles successively.

Throw while making Takbeer with each one.

The size of the pebble should not exceed that of a bean.

Never pick up the pebbles from the location of the Jamarat.

Weak and sick people can appoint others to throw stones on behalf of them.

You can throw pebbles either from under the Jamarat bridge or above it

WARNING: Be sure the pebbles touch the inside of the Jamrah fence.

10. Slaughtering/ Cutting Hair/ Tawaf Ifadah


Step 1
Slaughter the sacrifice.

After finishing the throwing, go to slaughter the sacrifice.

Be sure that it is a sheep, or 1/7 share of a cow or a camel with other people.

You have the option to start with any of the following rituals:


cutting your hair

making Tawaf Ifadah

Always choose the best animal and avoid those with defects.

You can slaughter the animal yourself or by appointing someone to do it for you.

You can eat up to 1/3 of it, offer 1/3 as a gift, and offer 1/3 to the poor.

WARNING: Be sure that you can slaughter any time on the four days, the 10th, the 11th, the 12th, and the 13th, but not after that.

11. Cutting Hair


Step 1
Get your head shaved or trimmed. Start with the right side of the head. For women, trim only a finger tip's length from the hair.

Step 2
After cutting your hair, you have reached (at-tahalul al-asghar) the partial ending of Ihram.

At this phase, all the prohibitions of Ihram state are no longer applicable. A pilgrim can resume normal life except for sexual intercourse.

Always keep the ritual places as clean as possible.

the total ending of Ihram state (at-tahalul al-akbar) will be after finishing the Tawaf and Sa'ee.

WARNING: Be sure that the prohibitions of Ihram state are lifted except sexual intercourse with one's spouse.

12. Making Tawaf IFadah

Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allahu Akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a'.

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim, if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

It is recommended that men have their right shoulders not covered by Ihram cloths.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

WARNING: Menstruating women should not make Tawaf until their period stops. Sa'ee can be postponed until they are clean again.

13. Making Sa'ee

Step 1
Go to the Safa and Marwah area. Praise Allah and make Takbeer 3 times make du'a'.

Step 2
Descend from Safa and walk between the 2 hills (Safa and Marwah) at a normal speed.

Mention the name of Allah recite Qur'an, and make du'a' while walking.

Ascend the hill of Marwah and make the same du'a' made at Safa.

Step 3
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until you finish 7 rounds.

Make du'a' and praise Almighty Allah.

Only men should speed up their walk between the 2 green marked posts.

Make du'a' for yourself, your family and for all Muslims.

From Safa to Marwah is counted as one round.

You should finish the Sa'ee at Marwah

WARNING: Menstruating women should not make Sa'ee until they are clean.

14. Staying in Mina

Step 1
Leave Makkah for Mina.

After finishing your Tawaf and Sa'ee, go to spend the night in Mina.

Step 2
Stay in Mina.

Pray the daily and night prayers in Mina.

Shorten the 4-rak'at to 2 rak'at.

Do not combine prayers together.

WARNING: The minimum stay Mina should exceed most of the night.

Otherwise you are required to make a sacrifice.

15. Throwing pebbles at the 3 Jmarat.


Step 1
Go to Jamarat area in Mina.

Start with al-Jamarah as-Sughra. (The smallest)

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. Then make du'a'.

Step 2
Go to al-Jamrah al-Wusta (Medium)

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble. then make du'a'.

Step 3
Go to al-jamrah al-Kubra. (The Largest)

Start throwing the 7 pebbles successively while making Takbeer with each pebble.

The size of the pebble should not exceed that of a bean.

Without making du'a'.

WARNING: You should stay at least from midnight to Fajr in Mina.

16. Making Tawaf (Farewell)


Step 1
Circle the Ka'bah 7 times.

Start circling from the black stone by kissing or touching, or pointing to it and make takbeer (Allahu akbar) each time you come to it.

While making tawaf, recite any du'a' or make Dhikr, then end each round at the black stone.

Between Rukn Yamani and the black stone say this du'a': "Our Lord! Grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the fire!."

Step 2
When you finish the 7 rounds, pray 2 rak'at behind Maqam Ibrahim, if possible.

Step 3
Drink from the water of Zamzam.

It is recommended that men have their right shoulders not covered by Ihram clothes.

It is recommended for men only to increase their speed only in the first 3 rounds.

If it is not possible, pray anywhere in the mosque while facing the Ka'bah.

WARNING: A menstruating woman can leave Makkah without making a Farewell Tawaf.

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