The scientific miracle of (the spider) chapter

Allah the Almighty says: {...وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنكَبُوتِ ۖ لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ}

Translation: {…And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew} [Surat ...

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Eid and Zakat ul-Fitr

- Playing, recreation, and eating on the day of eid:

These are permissible as long as they stay within the acceptable bounds of Islam. anas said: «when the prophet peace be upon him came to madinah, they had two days for amusement. the prophet peace be upon him has ...
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Belief In Al-Qadar

Al-Qadar is Allah’s predestination of measurements and sustenance of everything and everyone, according to His Knowledge and Wisdom. ... more

To every husband

Below is a set of Prophetic advices and Muhammadan instructions to every Muslim husband. We ask Allah Almighty to help him obey Allah and obtain His good pleasure. ... more

Give glad tidings to the patient

Since patience constitutes half of belief, a good manner in a person and a leader that leads the self to the obedience of Allah and repels from disobeying Him; it is necessary to elaborate on its essence, excellence, kinds, levels and the status of people ... more

Weakness of Faith phenomenon

The phenomenon of weakness of belief had been spread among Muslims. Many Muslims complain the hardness of their hearts and say: “I feel hardness in my heart,” “I do not feel the sweetness of performing the acts of worship,” “I feel that my belief had gotten down to the lowest level,” “I do not feel touched by the Holy Qur’an” or “I easily commit sins.” Moreover, the symptoms of this disease clearly appear on many people. Actually this disease is the origin of each disaster and the reason of all defaults and hardships. ... more

Tafsir of Surah al Layl

Tafsir (interpreting) of Surah al Layl - The Night (Surah 92) ... more

The first ten days of Zul-Hijjah

The prophet (peace be upon him) said "No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these (first ten days of Zul-Hijjah). ... more

I am a fasting person

Ramadan strengthens your will… by your free will you have given up food… you have stopped drinking (permissible drinks)… no one tied you by ropes… no guardian watched you…So determine to finish reading the Quran several times in Ramadan… and accomplish it…Determine to perform the optional night acts of worship in all of Ramadan… and accomplish it… ... more

Speak Good or Remain Silent

One of the best virtues in Islam is to be highly aware of speaking outcome; In essence, a tongue might be a cause to go to Paradise or Hellfire. Discover this issue in this article and take it seriously. ... more

Mourning The Dead

Mourning over the dead is allowed in Islam, but there is a great difference between what is allowed Islamically and the practice of some Muslims at the present time. ... more

Episode 15: A Spotlight on the Battle of Uhud

Sheikh Zaid Al-Qoroo:  After Quraish had exerted a great effort to be able to meet Muslim’s attacks, they felt weakness and broke down, while Muslims fought heroically until Quraish’s strength was defeated.

Sheikh Khaled al-Khalawy:  and the features of the Muslims' victory started to appear as ...

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27 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
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