Khaalid Abu Saalih
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Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-25
‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz, the Fifth Caliph
The speech today will be about a new page among the pages of the Guided Caliphs. The owner of this page is the just Imam, the scholar, the God-fearing worshipper, the magnificent master and the Prince of the Believers. He is Abû Hafs ‘Umar ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz ibn Marawân the Qurashi (from the tribe of Quraish)... ... more
Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-25
The Virtues of the Seal of the Prophets
"How ugly for the Muslims to fail to know of the virtues of their Prophet, prayers and peace of Allah be upon him. It is a shame that they do not know what Allah, Glorified and Exalted, has singled him out from the miracles and honors in this worldly life and the Hereafter." ... more
Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-25
Learn the biography of your prophet
Chronology of the most important events in the prophetic biography from birth till death ... more
Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-24
Friday… Provisions, Ethics, Virtues
Friday… Provisions – Ethics – Virtues… with notifications about some errors
All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists). Prayers and peace of Allah be upon the Imam of the Prophets and Messengers.
My Muslim brother: Allah, ...
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Since 2012-11-23
The Forgotten Prayer (Duha Prayer)
Among the recommended Sunan, which are neglected by many people, is Duha Prayer (forenoon prayer) ... more
Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-23
Among the signs of making things easy in Ramadan
Among the great acts of worship in which we notice the signs of facilitating things and eliminating hardships for this nation is the act of fasting; especially, fasting Ramadan. The following are some of these signs:... ... more
Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-22
For whom is the Eid?
A religious scholar saw how the people were heedless and engaged in food, drink and clothes on the day of Eid Al-Fitr, thereupon he said: “If those were told by Allah Almighty that He had accepted from them their fasting and standing (at night in prayer), they then should have been in the morning engaged in giving thanks to Him... ... more
Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-21
Merits of Muharram and 'Ashura
Ibn Al-Jawzy (may Allah mercy him) said: 'Brothers (may Allah mercy you), know that Muharram is honorable month, and it is called Muharram (i.e. forbidden) because it was forbidden to fight in it.' (At-Tabsirah: 2/6). ... more
Khaalid Abu Saalih
Since 2012-11-21
Why Do We Love the Companions?
The love of the companions of the Prophet is one of the basic principles of faith according to the people of the Sunnah and the Community (of Muhammad). ... more