A Message in the Rule of Witchcraft

A Message in the Rule of Witchcraft and Fortune-Telling with some import fatwas (religious opinions) ... more

Notifying with some rulings

Ruling concerning singing, photography, shaving the beard, Isbal, smoking,.... ... more

This is for you: The joy of my eye

For you my son I am writing these words, which throb with compassion and advice? truth and sincerity... hoping that you will find the right path that would direct you to righteousness and shows you guidance. ... more

The Driver: Evils and Perils

The boldness of some Muslim in leaving their women ride with strangers; marriageable non-mahrim men is a great abominable action that shocks the people of religion who have a sense of honor. ... more

How to be a Hero?

If one of us is given the choice between two ways: a hard one and an easy one, a simple one and a difficult one. The easy one is the most lovable and pleasant it could be and the hard one is the worst it could be;... ... more

People and the worldly life

People in this worldly life are categorized into two;... ... more

And That You Be Dutiful To Your Parents

Verily the right of parents is great, Allah Glorified and Exalted has joined it to His right, and the texts of the Quran and Sunnah have cooperated to encourage being dutiful to them, shedding light on their right and warning against being undutiful to th ... more

Obsession... Disease and Medicine

This is an abstract from the book “Masterpiece of Believers in Dispraising Obsession and Treating the Obsessed.” It is about a matter about which jurisprudence talks much and a problem from which many complain i.e. obsession. They were talked about in titles to be easily spread and were written in leaflets to be easily born. I ask Allah Almighty to make them useful. ... more

Explicit Warns about Many Religious Prohibitions

Allah and His Messenger have forbidden us from doing a number of things; as avoiding those things leads to the attainment of great benefits. That is in addition to warding off a lot of blights and significant evils. ... more

The Initial Spark

My father has overwhelmed me with his unstoppable love, thus he made me a young man looking for a better future. I have the talent of educational attainment, which made me excellent in my studying,... ... more

Have You Benefited from Your Time?

Days pass by... A night ends and a morning comes, and a morning ends and a night comes. ... more

The Spy of the Heart

Singing leads to many damages and evils; Singing spoils minds, kills shyness and dignity. It also leads to take out jealousy and the light of faith from hearts. Anyone who listens to singing, it makes him close to Satan and away from Allah. ... more

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