The greatness of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him

Since 2014-04-01

How great is the Prophet, may infinite peace and blessings be upon him? Every second, the name “Muhammad” is uttered somewhere in the world. As the light of the sun moves across the globe, the call to prayer is announced in every city, testifying to the Oneness of Allah, and Muhammad as His final messenger. Sermons, for Friday prayers, Eid prayers, or marriage are not considered lawful unless the name of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is taken.

The greatness of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him

Written by: Unaiz Rehmani

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

How great is the Prophet, may infinite peace and blessings be upon him? Every second, the name “Muhammad” is uttered somewhere in the world. As the light of the sun moves across the globe, the call to prayer is announced in every city, testifying to the Oneness of Allah, and Muhammad as His final messenger. Sermons, for Friday prayers, Eid prayers, or marriage are not considered lawful unless the name of Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is taken.

Physical description

The Prophet Muhammad was magnificent when you saw him; grand in nature. It has been narrated in the Shamail of the great hadith scholar Imam Tirmidhi, that the blessed face of the Prophet was more luminous than the moon. He was of medium stature, not exceedingly tall or short but inclining towards height. He had a broad chest and shoulders, and light hair on his body, which is indicative of manliness but not excessive as to look unbecoming. His limbs were sinewy and strong, his joints were large and powerful. He had a ruddy complexion. His hair never exceeded his ear lobes, or in some narrations just above his shoulders. His hair was neither straight nor curly but wavy.

Everything about the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was moderate. He had a full mouth which emphasized the pronunciation of his words. His forehead was large, and his cheeks high, indicative of his extreme intelligence and the nobility of his lineage. The Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him, had a beautiful aquiline nose. His eyes were almost black in appearance and large and beautiful. It is narrated that he had a very powerful gaze, which demonstrated the authority of a commander. He had long eyelashes which complimented his shyness. He had teeth which shone like hailstones, and a high neck which gleamed like silver.

Balanced outwardly as he was inwardly, his body was equally proportioned, and he never had a belly, even in old age. He had large full hands and palms. His feet were arched and so smooth and clean that when water was poured on them, it would run off immediately. He walked softly and quick paced, as if he was walking on an incline. While walking he asked his companions to walk in front, and he himself walked behind. He greeted whomsoever he met.

When he was observed from a distance, it was narrated that he always looked grief stricken due to his immense presence with his Lord. However in the company of others he would smile and make them feel joyful. He told the truth even in his jokes. His laughter was a wide smile.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him pointed not with a finger but with his whole hand, and he held his right thumb in his left palm when he spoke. When he addressed someone, he turned his entire body. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, looked at the ground more than he looked up due to the power of his gaze. He didn’t maintain his stare at people, due to the strength of his gaze.

His tremendous character

The character of the Prophet was exemplary and his manners were beautiful. He didn’t take rest like other people, he was constantly concerned for his ummah (community). He spoke with measured and comprehensive words and was often silent for long periods.

He was loved for his soft and gentle character. The Quran says:

{And if you were harsh hearted they would have fled from around you} [āl ʿim'rān:159].

The Prophet never found fault in anything and he was never in state of agitation or perturbation. He never generalized. He saw every single person as a potentially good Muslim and human being.

He advised us to maintain relations with those who cut us off, to do good to people even if they harm us, and to speak the truth even if it is against ourselves. When Abdullah ibn Salam saw the Prophet for the first time him, he said he knew from the blessed face of the Prophet that this was not the face of a liar. On simply seeing the Prophet, Abdullah ibn Salam declared the Oneness of Allah and accepted Islam right there and then because he witnessed the inner and outer beauty of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. Such was the perfection, beauty and power that was manifested in the Prophet.

Once a group of hostile unbelievers in Mecca, began to torture a companion of the Prophet named Khubaib. The leader of the group, Abu Sufyan asked Khubaib “Don’t you wish that Muhammad were in your place so that you could be with your family?” Khubaib replied that he would rather be cut into pieces than see even a thorn prick the blessed foot of the Prophet. As he was being killed, Khubaib then supplicated to Allah asking him to convey his greetings to the Prophet. Usamah bin Zaid said he was seated with the Messenger of Allah in Medina at that moment and he saw the Prophet’s eyes become teary as he returned the greetings. The Prophet said, «Allah has conveyed Khubaib’s greetings to me».

On this occasion, Abu Sufyan exclaimed that the followers of Roman and Persian emperors never loved them as much as Muhammad’s followers loved him. It is narrated that each and every one of the companions felt like they were the most beloved to the Prophet, peace be upon him. He was sensitive to the needs and feelings of each one of them.

One day when the Prophet saw was traveling with his companions, his party stopped under some trees to take shelter from the sweltering mid-day heat. A Bedouin came across the group and found the Prophet napping alone, away from his companions who were also asleep. The man, Gawras, seized the opportunity and grabbing the Prophet’s sword, held it against the neck of the Prophet asking, “Who’s going to save you from me now?” The Prophet exclaimed «Allah!» With that Gawras was overcome with emotion and the sword fell from his hands. The Prophet picked up the sword. Holding it against Gawras’ neck, he asked the same question. The man asked that the Prophet be a generous taker of his life. In response, the Prophet simply pardoned Gawras, and let him go free.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, used to address his wives with beautiful names, race with them and play with them. His wife Ayesha said he always used to joke in the house. He fed his wives with his own hands out of love and affection. He would never complain of the food placed before him.

No man was busier than the Prophet but when he shook hands of another person, he would never release his grip until the other person did. After his passing, the reaction of his companions was tremendous. They couldn’t even tolerate separation from him let alone his death; they loved him more than themselves, their family and their children.

On the day of the Prophet’s passing away, Usman ibn Affan was struck motionless, he could not comprehend what had happened. Ali bin Abi Talib fell unconscious. Umar Farouk, the one from whom Satan himself used to run away from, was swinging a sword threatening to cut off the head of anyone who said the Prophet had passed away. The companions in general exclaimed that they wished they had died before they saw this day. Such was the impact the companions of the Prophet felt when he passed away.

Have we forgotten the love our Prophet had for us? The worry and concern the Prophet had for his followers – those who lived in his time and those yet to come? The favors and blessings his followers are showered with because of him? The tears that shed from his eyes as he called to Allah in the middle of the night, crying «My ummah! My ummah!» until Allah had to send Gabriel down to console him? Until Allah assured him that He would not disappoint him in regards to his ummah?

Today, we have forgotten the teachings of the Prophet. We have forgotten his sunnah (way of life). We have forgotten his rights on us, whereas the Prophet never for a moment forgot about us.

Let us try to commemorate the teachings of the Prophet in our lives so we may honor his memory and attempt to do his efforts justice. May peace and blessings be upon him and his household.

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