The Best Way for Investing the Minute

Since 2012-11-18

Time is the life of man, and in the single minute there is much good could be done and much rewards could be gained in just one minute...

All praise is due to Allah, and prayers and peace of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah.

Time is the life of man, and in the single minute there is much good could be done and much rewards could be gained in just one minute:

1-In a single minute you could read Surat Al-Fatiha 7 times by heart.

2-In a single minute you could read Surat Al-Ikhlas {Say (O Muhammad prayers and peace of Allah be upon him): "He is Allâh, (the) One} 20 times in the heart. In fact, reading it once equals reading one third of the Holy Quran.

3-You could read a page of the Holy Quran in a single minute.

4-You could memorize a short verse of the Book of Allah in a single minute.

5-In the single minute you could say: “There is no god except Allah, the One, having no partner with Him, sovereignty belongs to Him, and all praise is due to Him, and He is Potent over everything” (10) times. Its reward equals emancipating four persons, in the cause of Allah, from the children of Ismail.”

«من قال: (لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له ، له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير)، عشر مرات. كان كمن أعتق أربعة أنفس من ولد إسماعيل»
رواه مسلم

Transliteration: Laa Ilaha Illa llah wahdahu la hsreeka Lah, Lahu Mulk Walahu Al Hamd wa Huwa ‘Ala Kul Shay’in Kadeer

6-In a single minute you could say: “Glory be to Allah, and all praise is due to Him (100) times. He who utters it one hundred times a day, his sins will be obliterated even if they are equal to the extent of the foam of the ocean.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]

«من قال: (سبحان الله وبحمده) ، في يوم مائة مرة ، حطت خطاياه وإن كانت مثل زبد البحر»
رواه البخاري

Transliteration: Subhana Allahu Wa Bihamdih

7-In a single minute you could say: “Glory be to Allah, and all praise is due to Him. Glory be to Allah, the Great” (50) times. Actually, these are the expressions that The Prophet said about, "There are two expressions which are very easy for the tongue to say, but they are very heavy in the balance and are very dear to The Beneficent (Allah), and they are, 'Subhan Allah Al-'Azim and 'Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi.'" [Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

«كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان ، ثقيلتان في الميزان ، حبيبتان إلى الرحمن: (سبحان الله وبحمده ، سبحان الله العظيم)»
رواه البخاري ومسلم

Transliteration: Subhana Allahu Wa Bihamdih Subahan Allahi Al-‘Athim

8-The Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “To utter of (these words): ‘Glory be to Allah; all praise is due to Allah, there is no god except Allah and Allah is the Greatest,’ is dearer to me than anything over which the sun rises.” [Reported by Muslim]

«لأن أقول: (سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر) ، أحب إلي مما طلعت عليه الشمس»
رواه مسلم

Transliteration: Subhan Allah Wal Hamdulilah wa Laa Ilaha Illa llah Wallahu Akbar

9-In the single minute you could say: “There is neither Might nor Power but that of Allah” more than 40 times, and it is one of the treasures of Paradise [Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

«ألا أدلك على كلمة من كنوز الجنة - أو قال - على كنز من كنوز الجنة ؟ فقلت : بلى . فقال : (لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
رواه البخاري ومسلم واللفظ لمسلم

Transliteration: La Hawla wala Kuwatta Ila Billah

10-In a single minute you could say: “There is no god except Allah” about (50) times. And it is the greatest word, because it is the word of monotheism.

(لا إله إلا الله)
Transliteration: Laa Ilaha Illa llah

11-In a single minute you could unite your tie of kinship by making a phone call or greeting a Muslim and asking about his affairs.

12-In a single minute you could raise your hands toward the heaven and ask whatever you like.

13-In a single minute you could seek forgiveness from Allah almighty more than (100) times by saying “I seek forgiveness from Allah.”

(أستغفر الله)

Transliteration: Astaghfirullah

14-In the single minute you could observe prayers upon the Prophet (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him) 50 times by saying: “Prayers and peace of Allah be upon him”, and in return you will gain 500 prayers prayed upon you, because the single prayer gains ten times its like.

«من صلى علي واحدة ، صلى الله عليه عشرا»
رواه مسلم

(صلى الله عليه وسلم)

Transliteration: Salla Allahu ‘Alayhi Wasalam

Reviving the Islamic Heritage Association
Modified to meet with authentic hadith

Translated by website


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