Do You Want Happiness?

Since 2012-11-18

Hurry to repentance and get rid of the dust of inattentiveness and know that the gate of repentance is still open and the grant of your Lord is given and His favors come and go.


All praise is due to Allah Lord of the worlds. And prayers and peace of Allah be upon the master of Messengers.

Dear beloved brother and sister, remember that you live in a world which is not the final residence; rather it is a world of disturbances and hazards. It is enough for you to know that it is a jail for the believers and paradise for the infidels.

Ask yourself: how long will you live? How long would you like to live? Is it twenty or forty? How do you hope so, while you see the catastrophes destroy people during the night and at the edge of the day?

Consider this Hadeeth as if you are the addressed person “Live as long as you wish, but indeed you will die. And love whomever you want, but indeed you will depart him. And do whatever you want, but indeed you will face its consequences.” [Declared Hasan by Al-Albani]

«عش ما شئت فإنك ميت، وأحبب من شئت فإنك مفارقه، واعمل ما شئت فإنك ملاقيه»
حسنه الألباني

So, did you know the gravity of the catastrophe and the seriousness of the issue?

Suppose that the angel of death came to you at this moment to take your soul; would you be pleased by your status and the life that you live?

Did you picture yourself in the first night in the grave when you will be left alone, entrapped in it and left to insects, maggots and the dust became your bed. After your beauty and handsomeness have vanished, pleasures fading and the remaining of sorrow and awful consequences?

Do you want Paradise and its bliss while you continuously observe the sins? Do you want happiness in this world and the hereafter too, while you are one of the supporters of Satan and among his party?

Some people have been allured by Allah’s patience and the greatness of His mercy; however they forgot that His punishment is severe and that He is All-Mighty All-Able of Retribution. They did not seek His mercy; rather they did deeds that made them subject to His wrath and His grievous punishment.

Suppose that you gained the worldly life and all its luxuries, pleasures and whatever you desire in it, then you went to Hellfire as a consequence; would you even remember the vanished pleasure while you are a resident of hellfire?

Remember the day in which the witnesses will give testimony against you and the limbs and skin unmask you; where will you escape? The witnesses are part of you and the testimony is against you! O poor person, you disobey Allah with them and for them, and then they bear testimony against you in the Day of Judgment!

Praise Allah for He have extended your life and not taking your soul while you are in your inattentiveness, heedlessness and negligence.

Hurry to repentance and get rid of the dust of inattentiveness and know that the gate of repentance is still open and the grant of your Lord is given and His favors come and go. Know that the one who repents is like the one who does not have sins and that Allah replaces your sins with rewards and that He rejoices at your repentance. Finally, let those who repent enjoy the grant of their being loved by Allah. Allah Almighty says:
{Truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath and cleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for their prayers, etc.).} [Al-Baqarah 2:222]

{إِنَّ اللَّـهَ يُحِبُّ التَّوَّابِينَ وَيُحِبُّ الْمُتَطَهِّرِينَ}
البقرة: 222

Transliteration: inna Allaha yuhibbu alttawwabeena wayuhibbu almutatahhireena

And Allah knows best. And prayers of Allah be upon our prophet, Muhammad.

Compiled by Al-Ansar Islamic Records


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