Useful means of reform

Since 2012-11-11

How bad and severe can the consequences be on individuals and the society when some of the seekers of knowledge and pious youth obstruct from participation in all community fields, abandoning the reform process by enjoining the good and forbidding evil and get pre-occupied with other stuff even if it was prosperous work or seeking knowledge.

Praise is due to Allah Lord of the worlds and prayers and peace be upon Muhammad, his family and companions.

How bad and severe can the consequences be on individuals and the society when some of the seekers of knowledge and pious youth obstruct from participation in all community fields, abandoning the reform process by enjoining the good and forbidding evil and get pre-occupied with other stuff even if it was prosperous work or seeking knowledge.

Allah the Almighty had vowed those who leave it or ignore it with punishment as it was narrated according to Huthayfah Ibn al Yaman -may Allah be pleased with him- that Prophet Muhammad -prayers and peace of Allah be upon him- said: “I swear by the one who possess my soul (Allah) that if you neither enjoin good nor forbid evil, Allah is about to send on you a severe punishment and you will supplicate to him but He will not answer you.” [Reported by al Tirmidhi and Al-Albani said good hadîth]

«والذي نفسي بيده لتأمرن بالمعروف ولتنهون عن المنكر أو ليوشكن الله أن يبعث عليكم عقابا منه ثم تدعونه فلا يستجيب لكم» رواه الترمذي وحسنه الألباني
Also Zainab -may Allah be pleased with her- said: "Oh messenger of Allah, are we all perished despite the presence of good people among us?, he answered ‘yes, if wrongdoing spreads’.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

«وعن زينب -رضي الله تعالى عنها- قالت: يا رسول الله أنهلك وفينا الصالحون؟، قال: نعم، إذا كثر الخبث» رواه البخاري 3598

And as Allah said, {If only there had been among the generations before you persons having wisdom, prohibiting (others) from Al-Fasâd (disbelief, polytheism, and all kinds of crime and sins) in the earth, (but there were none) - except a few of those whom We saved from among them! Those who did wrong pursued the enjoyment of good things of (this worldly) life, and were Mujrimûn (criminals, disbelievers in Allâh, polytheists, sinners). And your lord will never destroy the towns wrongfully, while their people were concilers.} [Surat Hûd 11:116-117]

{فَلَوْلَا كَانَ مِنَ الْقُرُونِ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ أُولُو بَقِيَّةٍ يَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْفَسَادِ فِي الْأَرْضِ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا مِّمَّنْ أَنجَيْنَا مِنْهُمْ ۗ وَاتَّبَعَ الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مَا أُتْرِفُوا فِيهِ وَكَانُوا مُجْرِمِينَ ﴿١١٦﴾ وَمَا كَانَ رَبُّكَ لِيُهْلِكَ الْقُرَىٰ بِظُلْمٍ وَأَهْلُهَا مُصْلِحُونَ} سورة هود: 116- 117

Transliteration: Falawlā Kāna Mina Al-Qurūni Min Qablikum 'Ūlū Baqīyatin Yanhawna `Ani Al-Fasādi Fī Al-'Arđi 'Illā Qalīlāan Mimman 'Anjaynā MinhumWa Attaba`a Al-Ladhīna Žalamū Mā 'Utrifū Fīhi Wa Kānū Mujrimīna (116) Wa Mā Kāna Rabbuka Liyuhlika Al-Qura Bižulmin Wa 'Ahluhā Muşliĥūna

And he didn't say who are good, in observing the hadîth and the verse has shown the difference between the good and the reformer, as a good person without reform is perished with the others who perish, unlike the reconciler whose reconciliation prevents perdition therefore the eminent sheikh Hamad Ateeq - may Allah have mercy on him said: “if it is destined that a man fast all day, pray all the night and be ascetic in all worldly life, and at the same time, he is not ashamed from Allah as he doesn't order for good and forbid evil, this man is totally being hated by Allah and also he is the least religious one. And the people of major sins are better than him to Allah!!”

It was said by someone who is trusted that the sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abd El Wahab -may Allah have mercy on him- once said: “I can see people sitting in the Masjid weeping while they keep reading the Qur`an at the same time they don't order for good or forbid evil, then the sheikh said that those people are blind and mute.”

That's what Ibn al-Qayyim -may Allah have mercy on him- confirmed when he said: “Satan has deceived most people by allowing them to improve their prayers, fasting, reading Qur`an, praising of Allah and asceticism in this world and they disrupted them by not carrying them out by heart and those to the heirs of Prophets are the least religious people.” As the true Islam is to perform what Allah commanded ,as ignoring these commands is worse than committing the forbidden in more than 30 aspects mentioned by our sheikh -may Allah have mercy on him-.

Then understand the great command and take care of being one of those whom the sheikh has described previously.

Also the consequences can be great when the seekers of knowledge and pious youth obstruct the reform process leaving the field of the society to the corrupted people, actors and actresses and sports to compete with each other to achieve their goals and objectives and we just sit negatively feeling pity and cursing time, although it is our fault because we didn't take any action towards it and if things go bad and evil spreads we'll be surprised with bad events like other people, so good will be denied and evil will spread. This is because of our dereliction in the duty of reform.

It is very mischievous when we can find some good and fine youth are useless, they can see evil with their own eyes and they have the opportunity to change with the means of reform and advocacy, but they are extinct inattentive and they don't care about the sanctity of Allah.

And it has been said by Aby al Munthir Isma’il Ibn Omar: “I have heard the father of Abd El Rahman El Amry saying: “It is from unawareness to stay away from Allah while knowing what makes him angry and do it. And you don't enjoin good and forbid evil for the sake of the people who can't help or harm you. Really, the great scourge is when their attitude towards what they see is negative and he chooses the weakest way to change despite the presence of several ways to reform and forbid evil.”

And Ibn al-Qayyim had said that the one who sees what Allah forbids is being done, His religion is being abandoned and that the Sunnah of His Prophet -prayers and peace of Allah be upon him- is repelled from with a cold heart, mute tongue and dumb devil, also the one who speaks with falsehood is a speaking devil, these are the scourge of the religion as they care only about their presidency, money and they don't care about the religion at all. The best of them are the ones showing pity if someone tries to take away from him his money or position he'll do his best to prevent it using the three ways of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil. Those are not only hated by Allah, but they also had the greatest scourge in the whole world which is the absence of any feelings in his heart as the presence of any feeling in his heart would make him angry for the sake of Allah and would make him try to change anything that Allah hates.
If you're feeling pity and sorrow on what's happening and if you care for Muslim people, I can provide you with methods of reform for the community that we live in as you are responsible for the evil you know about by not taking any action towards it and not forbidding it or even not taking the chance to use the methods of reform to forbid evil.

The main thing is the immediate action in enjoining the good and forbidding evil and as said by Al-Qarafy -may Allah have mercy upon him- “The scholars said: ‘Enjoining the good and forbidding the evil is an obligatory duty, as the one who is able to enjoin the good then he is obligated to do so’.” (Al Furouq for Al-Qarafy)

I'll remind you with the hadîth of Aby Sa’eed El Khudry –may Allah have mercy on him- “In the day of resurrection Allah will ask His slave (a lot) until one question will be "what prevented you when you saw the evil to forbid it.” [Reported by Ibn Majah see sahih Ibn Majah (3244) and Al-Silsila Al-Sahîha (929)]
«إن الله يسال العبد يوم القيامة حتى ليقول: فما منعك إذا رأيت المنكر أن تنكره...» رواه ابن ماجه وانظر صحيح ابن ماجه برقم (3244) والسلسلة الصحيحة برقم (929)
So try to do your best and seek help from Allah. Start with the closest people to you and remember the hadîth of the messenger of Allah -prayers and peace of Allah be upon him- when he said: “Among my nation who will be rewarded like the people who preceded them, they forbid the evil.” [Reported by Imam Ahmad in his book (227970 and see Al-Silsila Al-Sahîha (1700)] and Allah bless you]

«إن من أمتي قومًا يعطون مثل أجور أولهم، ينكرون المنكر» أخرجه الإمام أحمد في مسنده برقم 22797، وانظر السلسلة الصحيحة رقم 1700

Means of reform:

There's no doubt that there are many methods of reform, as anywhere and everywhere there are methods that suits that time and place, also the youth that will work on the reform process will find new methods and legitimate ways that will be a cause of reform and success by the will of Allah The Blessed Almighty.
Amongst the Means of reform:

1- Supplicating:

It is one of the greatest beneficial means of reform, the unused weapon by many, they neglected it, either out of ignorance or lack of belief in it, Allah Almighty said: {And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor).} [Surat Al-Baqarah 2:186]

{وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ ۖ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ} البقرة: 186

Transliteration: Wa 'Idhā Sa'alaka `Ibādī `Annī Fa'innī Qarībun'Ujību Da`wata Ad-Dā`i 'Idhā Da`āniFalyastajībū Lī Wa Līu'uminū Bī La`allahum Yarshudūna

Ibn Kathîr: “What is meant by this is that the Almighty does not reject the supplication of a supplicant nor be occupied from him by anything, but He is the All-Hearer of prayer, for in it is encouragement to supplicate, and it is not lost, in Sahih Muslim from Abu Dardâ` -may Allah be pleased with him- that the Messenger of Allah prayers and peace of Allah be upon him said: “There is no Muslim who would supplicate for his brother (in Islam) without him knowing except the angel would answer him saying ‘and likewise, to you’”.”
«ما من عبد مسلم يدعو لأخيه بظهر الغيب، إلا قال الملك: ولك، بمثل» رواه مسلم

Do not abandon this way, and extend the palms of begging Him, the Almighty Allah to rectify your affairs, and help you to enjoin the good and forbid what is evil.

Be careful, may Allah protect you, that one reason for not answering a supplication is neglecting enjoining good and forbidding evil, according to the hadîth “... before you supplicate then it will not be answered.” [Reported by Ibn Majah and declared good by Al-Albani]
«...قبل أن تدعوا فلا يستجاب لكم» رواه ابن ماجه وحسنه الألباني
2 – Be attached to the people of knowledge:

There is no doubt that the scholars and preachers standing in the community with the public and private, we thank Allah for it, and the impact of their actions in the community are clear and concrete, they could be occupied for some reason from following up on the evils in the society, so be helpful to them, reminding them with Allah and their responsibility, and their silence is a cause of the spread of evil and strive to forbid the evil through them either with a direct effect or by writing to them.

This was the state of Shaikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah -May Allah have mercy on him- he used to go out with his students enjoining the good and forbid the evil. They went around the city to find bars and wine shops to break wine jars and destroy alcohol pots, moreover warning the dissolute people. (Al-Bidayah Wal-Nihayah 11/14)

Being attached to scholars and clearing up reality to them, either directly or write to them demanding advice and write about this evil that must be changed, this is one of the means of reform, by which we are heedless.

There is no doubt that the consolidation of the status of scholars, preachers, and those jealous in society amongst the people, by mentioning their merits, and to abandon what has been blabbed here and there of unbeneficial speech is a reason to force their word, and hear their opinion.

3 – Unity of effort among young people:

Young people with enthusiasm do not fade away, if they combined their efforts and have joined in the denial of evil, it has good and tangible results, and this is observed in reality, this writes for scholars another calls on to executives and the latter reaches the person doing the evil himself….Etc.

If a youth is determined and sought to deny the evil, each picking one of the means of reform, Allah would have benefited us with these efforts.

4 - Monitoring evil:

There is no doubt that the pursuit of evil, and the pursuit of its beginning, to deny, prevent the spread or reduction in the community, is the least that you could do, may Allah protect you. Writing about them and clarifying it to the scholars and executives. One will follow what is published in newspapers, magazines, articles and poems, and another observes what happens in the markets of evils, all trying to forbid the evil in different ways.

5 – Beneficial advice:

If the beneficial word came from a compassionate truthful heart, Allah will bless it giving better effect in it either it was a sermon, a word after prayers, public speech or even a private talk with one of the people.

The author of (Reflections after dawn): one of the youth when asked to pay the price of a good he sarcastically said: “the payment is in the day of payment (reckoning)”…these words found its way to the heart of the seller, and it kept roaming in his conscience till he found the way of guidance with these passing words.

Let alone those who prepared their speeches, picked their words and phrases appropriately, do not underestimate the word, even if a few words, it may be a key to the heart of someone.

6 – Role model:

The silent Da’wa (call to Islam), represented in doing what had been commanded by Allah and avoid what He Had forbidden, attributed with good morals, how many youth called with his example, so people knew virtues and the Sunnah when he himself applied it, and left the evil when he neglected it, and felt angry for defeating Allah’s boundaries, by this, his stance from evil was known so he was respected by that.

On the other hand, whoever neglected this obligation, his respect and model will weaken, therefore people will be bold in doing sins, as it was said whoever does not conquer will be conquered.

It was narrated that Abu Mundhir Ismail Ibn Umar said: “I heard Abu Abd al-Rahman al-Omari Said: Whoever abandons enjoining good and forbidding evil, he will be stripped of his fear of Allah Almighty, if he ordered some of his children or some servants they will belittle him.” (Sifat As-Safwa 181/2)

7- Messages:

How great is the impact of messages on its readers, as long as it was written in a respectful manner. It’s a calm direct dialogue that gives a person a chance to contemplate and revise then correct, according to that he will message the people of knowledge, the people responsible and sinning individuals, either in a shop, government office and whoever is responsible for the affairs of Muslims. Through these letters you are sending a private message to your brother directed to his faith, to this scholar reminding him that he is the most entrusted in the way of reform and to this official reminding him with Allah and his responsibility in front of Allah Almighty with what he was entrusted from the affairs of Muslims. So you send, your brother sends and the other etc….And with repetition you penetrate steel.

How great was the doing of this young man where he wrote a message to a ready-made garment importer. He showed the grief repercussions behind promoting these disgraceful garments between Muslim girls. It had a great effect, but the question is where are the rest of the youths from the wrongdoers?

8- The Islamic tape:

The tapes have played a great role in spreading the Islamic awareness in the society within its different classes. Through preparing the subject recorded in the tape which counterattacks some of the wrongdoings, or to distribute it amongst each class of the society, each according to its needs. Look to how many times have we heard and saw it impact; a person was guided because one of these tapes was given to him as a gift, to Allah all the praise and favor.
What a great doing this youth did by putting some tapes and flyers in his car so he could give it when he needs to other youths and other people.

9- The book or the flyer:

Either through writing one yourself or point it out to an author to write about this specific wrongdoing, or strive to distribute it. There we have a 13 year old child that went to barber shops and exchanged the dissolute magazines with others of benefit. May Allah bless him, where are the other youths??!

10 – Flyers:

Are exactly like what is between your hands, easy to handout, short words, do not take time to read, they address a specific topic, either through composing one and distributing it yourself or point out to an author to write about this specific wrongdoing and how to resolve it.

Some publishing houses have issued a number of these flyers in a pleasant and attractive appearance, so do not slack behind from benefiting from it or distribute it.

11 - Participation in the media:

The scum spread in it because we retracted from contributing to it, either by writing in newspapers, magazines or the like. It is published in thousands and no doubt that writing in it or replying to what is written even if it was not published, then it would be a signal to its owners that there are class of readers that demand to respect their intellect, and that they are aware to what would threaten the religion, its people and traditions. This is enough to make them reckon themselves before this reader that reads their publishing.

Contributing in the Islamic magazines that are strict with right approach, either by money, moral or intellectually is considered, in itself, support to it as it is one of the means of reform.

12- Phone calls:

This mean doesn’t need much of an effort, only to sit with the phone set and talk to the wrongdoer or message him to retract from this sin, through reminding and warning him with Allah. Or even report it to the scholars and the officials.

13 – Boycotting the wrongdoer:

A righteous client went in a supermarket, before he got to pay the price he saw cigarette boxes in the shop so he retreated from buying the product saying: “By Allah nothing stopped me from buying except your selling cigarettes”. If every one of us boycotted the evildoers, never he would sell these products nor could promote the like, but we are the ones who helped them while not knowing.

14 - Thanks and praise:

The Prophet (prayer and peace of Allah be upon him) used to apply this route with his companions -may Allah be pleased with them- which is the most effective way in the means of reform, and a few who apply it, since it is one of the reasons of steadfastness, in a time of evil is rampant, as we deny the evil done by the evildoer, we should thank and commend the good doer, to find pride in sticking with virtue and be steadfast on it.

Similarly, if every one of us is responsible, in advocacy and reform, and use the abilities and potential, in the reform of society, beginning with himself and his family, then to all evil doer, never would have the evildoers display their evil.

This is a dissolute magazine, obscenity in a newspaper, displayed sin in an area, a store selling forbidden goods, another made a sin or did it to someone else etc….. If we invested all the means of Da’wa such as supplication, message, unity following up etc… together it would lead to fruitful results. We seek refuge with Allah from being amongst the useless. So kind brother beware of being amongst the people mentioned earlier and don’t let your practicing be a hollow one with no Da’wa or reform.

In the end I would like to say: Don’t be an unnecessary burden to your nation or else the ship will sink. And know that you are on a gap that needs to be filled, whether you are important or not. By Allah be careful from being a cause of defeat. May Allah protect you and clear your path.

And prayer and peace of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions.

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