From Abdullah bin Huzafa to the Muslim youth

Since 2012-11-10

These were many offers to a poor weak man, chained in captivity, owns nothing and death waits him. So, what did he say in this defining moment?!

I was amazed when I saw Muslim young man is called Abdullah does not care for the call of prayer that is beside him; he was acting as if it was for people of other religions. I saw another young Muslim man is called Abdullah dances on the rhythm of a western song. I opened a magazine and read about someone is called Abdullah whose hobbies are singing and playing music. I looked east and west and thought deeply, and then I discovered that the subject is more dangerous!

Hence, I returned by my mind fourteen centuries ago to remember those who were called Abdullah! I saw people had exalted the position of the religion between the nations and the history still mention their fight in the case of Allah in addition to their patient, although they were young and did not convert to Islam from a long time. However, let us stop for talking about one of them who had experienced great events and situations and met the presidents of the most powerful countries at his period; he had been welcomed by the king of Persia and the king of Rome, and he is the Arab man who was not caring for the protocols, he knew nothing but a burning sun, clear sky and a tent in the shade of a tree containing a loaf of bread!

He went to the lands of the kings of Persia and Rome and the treasures and luxuries had been offered to him; however he refused to take them. The king of Persia offered to make him partner in the throne, but he refused! He offered to give him his beautiful daughter as a wife, but he did not look at her and refused the offer! Actually, he refused to do what is against the teachings of his religion, because he was a true believer who seeks the paradise. Let’s see what history says about this hero.

After establishing the Muslim country in Al-Medina, and in order to make people convert from worshipping the slaves to worshipping the Lord of the slaves, and to propagate this religion round the world, Omar bin Al-Khattab sent in the nineteenth year (of the Islamic calendar) an army to engage war against the Romans. The Muslim army contained many prominent Muslim persons, so the king of Rome worried from the army that was coming from the desert Arabian Peninsula and he became frightened. Then he ordered his men to bring to him a captive to talk to him personally and to know about the Muslim. The captive man that was taken to the king of Rome was Abdullah bin Huzafa may Allah be pleased with him. The king of Rome was a professional politician knows well people’s points of weakness and knows well how souls love this worldly life. The king of Rome looked attentively in Abdullah bin Huzafa and noticed his strength and self-esteem, and then he said to him: “I have an offer to you. If you converted to Christianity, I would release you and reward you well.”

It is enticing offer to any captive waits death; however the hearts are different and people are not the same. The instantaneous response of the pious believer was: “Crying for the moon! To me, death is better than what you are calling me for.”

The king had been amazed; so he altered the offer to be more enticing for many of people. “I see in you the characteristics of the wise man that has self-esteem. Accept my offer and I will make you partner in the throne. O Arab man whom his face has been burned by the sun, let me give you half of the great roman kingdom and make you husband to the beautiful daughter of the king of Rome” the king said.

These were many offers to a poor weak man, chained in captivity, owns nothing and death waits him. So, what did he say in this defining moment?!

“I swear by Allah that if you gave me all your properties, beside the properties of the Arab, to desert the religion of Muhammad for twinkling of an eye, I would not accept! Yes, I mean not only your throne, and not for continuous desert for Islam. I actually mean that I would never accept to desert Islam for twinkling of an eye.” Abdullah bin Huzafa said in the tone of the true believer who believes in his Lord and desires His reward.

The king saw that this believer does not weak or response to the enticing; so he stood promptly and cried: “So, I will kill you.” He said this while the hanger was standing beside Abdullah and his sword is in his hand. The king waited Abdullah’s response that came to him like the arrow “Do whatever you like.”

The king ordered his solders to crucify him and said to the bearers of the arrows: “Shoot him near his two hands” and he continued offering to him converting to the Christianity, however Abdullah refused while the arrows fall over him. Then the king said: “Shoot him near his two legs” and he continued offering to him converting to the Christianity, and Abdullah continued declaring his refuse.

Then the king ordered for a great vessel of oil to be put on fire till it boiled and the sound of its boiling raised while Abdullah is looking for it. Then the king ordered the soldiers to throw a Muslim captive in the vessel, and the captive had been thrown in front of Abdullah. The captive flesh melt and his bones appeared!

At this painful sight and hard situation, the king looked at Abdullah bin Huzafa and called him for Christianity; however Abdullah’s steadiness was stronger than before!

The king got angry and wondered for that man who refuses to share him his throne and marry his daughter and does not fear being thrown in the boiled oil, so he cried nervously: “Throw him like his friend.”

Abdullah had been borne to be thrown in the boiled oil. One of the king’s men noticed tears in the eyes of Abdullah; so he said to the king in joy: “He had cried!” He thought that Abdullah feared and accepted the offers. The king said: “Return him to me.”

When they returned Abdullah to the king and Christianity had been offered to him and he refused it again, the king wandered in amaze: “Woe to you, so why did you cry?”

“Because I said to myself, if you are thrown now in this vessel, you would die, while I wish to have selves as numerous as the number of my body’s hair to be thrown all in this vessel for Allah’s sake” Abdullah bin Huzafa, may Allah be pleased with him, answered.

The tyranny get astonished and said: “Do you accept to kiss my head in return of releasing you.”

“Would you release with me all the Muslim captives?” Abdullah asked.

The king accepted while Abdullah was saying in himself: “Allah’s relief has come to those captives; I would kiss the head of this tyranny to release the Muslim captives.”

He approached in honor and dignity and kissed the head of the king.

When Abdullah bin Huzafa reached Al-Medina, people had already know about what had happened between him and the king. Omar bin Al-Khattab said in joy and pleasure because of Abdullah steadiness and belief: “Every Muslim should kiss the head of Abdullah bin Huzafa, and I am the first one to do this.” Then he stood and kissed the head of Abdullah bin Huzafa may Allah be pleased with him.

O Abdullah of nowadays, let us kiss your head to go to the mosque. Let us kiss your head to be true believer. O Abdullah; let us kiss your head to release yourself from the captive of the desires and whims. Let us kiss your head more and more in return of not being follower to the enemies go wherever they want you to go; that is what we see from your appearance and behaviors.

Al-Qasem house
Translated by
Wathakker website

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